Partner For Granted

Posted by Juan on April 7, 2011as , , ,

It is obvious that such an attitude towards his wife is nothing but a manifestation of extreme disrespect. We thus seems to be saying: 'It's your duty – to facilitate my life and I have come to expect from you this'. Wow! Attitude to the partner as something for granted may be manifested in various forms. For example, we take our role in this life more seriously, thus downplaying the significance of the partner. We believe that our contribution to family life more, and partner indulgent feel 'lucky'. Many of us forget to say 'thank you' and 'please', some even exclude these words from her vocabulary.

We rarely admit how lucky we are, that we have a couple, and as we would have been difficult without them. Sometimes we go too demanding to spouses and treat them not as your friends. It happens that in the presence of others we talk to them 'or to express some disrespectful judgments. Some of us believe they know the thoughts of their spouse, and therefore willing to accept for their solutions. There is another common mistake: we mean that in our house should always be be clean and hot food. Or the money to pay the bills, or lawn with a neat lawn. And this order must support it wife. They have a duty to see to it that the mechanism for the home management did not allow failure. Finally, very few people listen to their spouses or are willing to share their feelings – except that it is in our interests.