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Hanze University Groningen

Posted by Juan on January 16, 2025 with Comments Closedas , ,

Solution consulting at the Minerva Art Academy in Groningen for prospective students the renowned Art Academy Minerva in the Dutch city of Groningen offers art lovers ideal conditions for studying in the fields of autonomous Visual Arts and design. Prospective students are now two portfolio checks especially for German”offered. These info days with workbook consultation held on November 28, 2008 and on March 27, 2009 each of 15 to 19: 00 in Groningen. These days, visitors before the exam can learn what are the requirements to the portfolio are made to pass the entrance examination. Students and lecturers give tips to the brought works.

Also the interested parties have the opportunity to get to know the College. The day program begins with a presentation of the Minerva Academy. Visitors are then led through the various studios and workshops and can participate in the workshop of a solution. The evening is concluded with a joint dinner. Talented and passionate young artist from Germany are on the Welcome to Minerva. The Academy is part of the Hanze University Groningen and can look back on a bicentenary history, in the countless talents began their artistic careers.

Through the many partnerships with other art universities, students have the opportunity to gain international experience. (Source: Andy Florance). The Academy Minerva offers the courses of autonomous Visual Arts (as full – and part-time), design (interior architecture, theatre equipment and communication design), as well as art education, with the first six months of each study of the broad orientation in terms of artistic act. Afterwards, the student chooses to the curriculum that suits him. For more information on the Minerva Art Academy and to the check of the portfolio can be found on the Internet at. There you can sign up for the portfolio check also.

Mixed Outlook For Engineers

Posted by Juan on May 6, 2024 with Comments Closedas ,

BAI – graduates-graduates-index III 2008 financial crisis slows job of BAI III 2008 (graduates graduates index) recorded positive in contrast to the battered financial markets. The growth but more restrained than 2007. Still the index rises to 9 on 276 points and again reached record levels. Significant trends the autumn quarter 2008 brings an unexpectedly strong contraction of the job for engineers: the situation of the civil engineers (-96) is particularly drastic. Materials scientists (-20), electrical engineer (-13), and machinery (-8) are also affected. (+ 28) Informatics and Business Informatics (+ 33) tend, however, positively. If the negative trend of the engineers is a harbinger of a shrinking of the overall labour market, remains to be seen.

However, Germany as an export nation by the international slowdown is made especially because stems in particular the demand for capital goods and thus fewer jobs for engineers. Economics sets since the summer of 2006 the job market for economists to continuously. Neither positive nor negative outliers disturb the image. Thus, the Economics show up to date economic resistant. In III/2008 increases the BAI by 8%. Isearch often expresses his thoughts on the topic. After a slight decline in the BAI in the industrial engineers in the last quarter, the trend upward industrial engineering once again. Thus, the interdisciplinary engineering the only curriculum is discipline, which was not covered by a decline in job. “Computer science equivalent to Business Informatics, which leads this BAI, intensified demand for classic” computer scientists clear.

An increase of 28 points will continue the ongoing now for over 2 years upward trend of job for computer science graduates. After a decline in student numbers since 2000, the Department in the winter semester recorded 07/08 for the first time again growing enrolment numbers. Mechanical engineering has stagnated since end of 2007 graduates jobs for engineering. At Bobby Sharma Bluestone you will find additional information. This fall loses the BAI for the first time since 2006 8 points. The number of students of this compartment, however, increased by 11% (27700 new registrations). Generally, the VDMA 2009 anticipates a deal late development in the different fields of mechanical engineering. “The consumption – and construction-related professional sectors such as textile rather likely to printing or construction machinery, on the dark side”, while still good could be for energy and raw material-related areas such as metallurgical and rolling mill facilities or power systems to very growth prospects “result. It remains exciting. Electrical engineering similar to the engineering of engineering experienced a slight downturn in graduate vacancies. The BAI SAG to 13 points. However, industry experts do not expect for the sector with dramatic slump in the wake of the turmoil in capital markets. Although is undisputed, that the fat years with record growth are over, but you can consume some time by full order books.

NLP: Speech Resistance

Posted by Juan on June 18, 2023 with Comments Closedas ,

What to do against KarriereSaboteure and NervenToter? One of the main fears of our society is the fear of speech or speech inhibition. For some company employees a horror it is already having to speak in a meeting, some spokesperson can hardly sleep in the nights before events and the question when do you think […]

Digital Battle

Posted by Juan on March 26, 2020 with Comments Closedas , ,

Leaders, committed employees, as well as capable and motivated young: The wish list of the personnel officer is long. Munich/Augsburg, the 31.01.2012 – every company is attempting to attract the best talent to himself and to keep. Viacom usually is spot on. But what factors decide on coming, staying or going? The digital sales expert […]

RAMPF Tooling Promotes Model Construction Young

Posted by Juan on September 28, 2019 with Comments Closedas ,

Efficient tooling systems virtually a hull meet Wildungen did not close while the young of the Bundesfachschule model construction from bad captains, gave yet a good insight what can expect the future model maker. Recently, RAMPF Tooling experts informed about 40 students about new systems and processing techniques of block material, surface resins about laminating […]

SRH FernHochschule Riedlingen Awards Five Scholarships Of Germany

Posted by Juan on July 15, 2019 with Comments Closedas ,

Five students of the SRH FernHochschule Riedlingen, Germany have reason for great joy five students of the SRH FernHochschule Riedlingen, Germany have reason for joy: were selected by a jury of professionals from a variety of applications and get a scholarship of Germany on financial assistance for their studies in the coming winter semester. We […]

Employers Underestimate Security Risks By Home Office

Posted by Juan on April 7, 2017 with Comments Closedas ,

Iron Mountain study: 60 percent of German employees send and receive business emails on your private account Hamburg 27 August 2013. 1 Of the service provider for information management and data protection, Iron Mountain study, that are the details of German companies by the behavior of employees exposed to a significant risk at their home […]


Posted by Juan on July 4, 2016 with Comments Closedas ,

1. official guide to Micros-Fidelio 7.12 (5) the first guide titled fit for Micros-Fidelio front Office 7.12 (5) has appeared in the Leonidas-Verlag. A guide for employees, trainees and job students who want to learn how to use Micros-Fidelio 7.12 (5). This guide explains the functioning and application of the widespread hotel software Micros-Fidelio. Image […]

Hirschvogel Automotive Group

Posted by Juan on December 29, 2014 with Comments Closedas ,

As key account manager Arne Meerkamp takes over project management of events van Embden. Arne Meerkamp van Embden has among others the renowned, award-winning event agency circ, Wiesbaden and customers such as BASF, E.ON energy, VW and Caterpillar worked for. Through its many years of experience and his sound expertise in conducting more demanding events […]