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Posted by Juan on June 17, 2016 with Comments Closedas , , , , ,

For some time I come my 32 TV watching? and I think, why not connect the PC in that television and play my favorite games on that giant screen? the same thing happens you? Well, so I decided to do it, but there are some limitations that might make that not worth it at the end. I will explain it to you later in this article. 1. Identify the inputs of your TV most of TV take 3 basic connections. They have the coax (antenna), RCA Composite Video, which are red, yellow and white connectors s-video. Currently almost all also include connections VGA, HDMI, component and DVI. 2.

Identify the outputs of your computer. Currently manufacturers are adding increasingly more outputs in TVs, making easier its connection to other computers. S-video in particular seems to be gaining ground in increasingly more computers. Mostly you will find the usual VGA output, where you connect your regular monitor. Currently many TVs have inputs VGA which makes its use as a PC monitor, very simple but us We will focus on the connection in not so new televisions, which are in greater proportion can be found in households.

3 Find the adapter appropriate for your connections. Learn more at: Kai-Fu Lee. You may need to buy an adapter or junction box to connect the pc to the TV. consist of an adapter that has a VGA input, where you connect your PC, and a series of outputs, s-video, RCA, or components). We recommend purchasing one of these adapters, but with the feature that is wireless, since it is much more comfortable when it is installed and thus it is possible to connect it without having the PC from the TV. 4.-close connect your computer to the television. If you have a connection in your TV that is compatible with any output from your PC, conectalos directly. If you do not have it available, conectalos through the junction box which we have previously commented the VGA on your pc and connects after RCA, s-video cables or components to the TV turns on the television and computer and selects the channel for the connection you have selected to view the on-screen image on TV. It is now the moment that perhaps you feel something disappointed. TV video signal is called a PAL (NTSC if you live outside Europe). This signal differs with that generated by the PC. Computers use resolutions measured in pixels: 320 200, 320 240, 640 480, 800 600, 1024 768, 1280 1024 or 1600 1200. Most just TVs are capable of displaying 500 lines of resolution, the equivalent of 500 vertical pixels on a PC. You cannot select higher resolution in these TVs, so as much as we enjoy is a resolution 640x480px. Nor is it the worst in the world, you can play and watch videos in low resolution without problems, but at the moment you can not have video quality that regular PC monitor out. This problem has been fixed in most of current plasma or lcd TVs, since they include native connections VGA or HDMI, which provide high resolution without having to acquire any other adapter. Visit my new page on occasion tractors. It is called second-hand tractors.

Educational System

Posted by Juan on June 16, 2016 with Comments Closedas

According to it, to have high quotient spiritual (QS) implies to be capable to use the spiritual to have a richer and fuller life of direction, adjusted sense of purpose and personal direction. The QS increases ours horizontes and it becomes in them more creative. It is an intelligence that stimulates in them. It is with it that we approach and we solve problems of sensible and value and develop ethical values and beliefs that go to guide our actions. This way to think the espiritualidade demands a deep diving in the condition human being, in a self-knowledge perspective. From an extended conception more of human being, the hilo-holotrpico human being (Grof, 1992, 1997) considered by Grof, notices it importance to consider this aspect in the educative process, one time that we understand such process as a privileged space of formation of the human beings from the construction of the knowledge permeado for the pedagogical relation. Therefore, we consider that practical the educative one demands methods and strategies that have for objective the integral constitution of the human being, that is, that they lead in account, not only the individual, but the different 0 variable that concur for the pedagogical relation; individual/society/species is not only non-separable, but also co-producers one of the other. In other words, as experience specifically human being, the education is a form of intervention in the world and demands of the part of the educators the courage to assume the inteireza of the condition human being. The understanding of the existence and the nature of the lived deeply experiences are a process that the man leads to identify itself with other aspects, beyond the physical body, of the feelings and of the imposed culture that, many times, proclaims only truths propiciadoras of a false vision of world, cerceadora of the totality of the being.