Organizational Culture Towards Total Quality Management
It is time that the Venezuelan companies, especially its SMEs, to identify more with the changes, transformations, all that is required to ensure competitiveness, customer satisfaction, opportunities and know the challenges, more, on stage very uncertain, very uncertain, risky, now appears as a consequence of political instability, which has led to inflation, economic problems. It is necessary that their management cares about fostering a change in the current organizational culture that have been developed, and does not guarantee success, achievement, achievement, effective participation, knowing optimize their production processes are reflected in an excellent productivity and certainly in a good quality of its products, disservice, customer satisfaction. It is necessary to instill once and for all the need to encourage businesses within the total quality programs, spook everyone involved in scope, impact, benefits. Where the train company, form a its human resources in terms of total quality that is beneficial in productivity, operability of the organization to achieve competitiveness, winning markets, acceptance of products, the company must have as a competitive advantage to have a total quality program well defined to ensure gains in productivity and in products offered, with the solvency of a quality that not only complies with national regulations, but international. Within the organizational culture of the company must receive the commitment to have a total quality in production processes, which happened to plans, actions, strategies to ensure a profitable culture for all human resources working in the company, . Culture is something to which all employees contribute.
The Media
Factor that it credits, the digital age, the possibility of being responsible for the extinguishing of the media form the printed, as it was conceived has years and that lasts still does not know for how much time until the present. 1. MARK To think, to create and to develop. These they are the first steps for elaboration of a mark, that can become a reference for the individual. According to AAker (2007, P. 23) a mark, determined mark alone is remembered if it comes to the mind of the consumer in spontaneous way, without great effort and is related to a classroom of product of success proven in the consuming market. But a mark to be remembered is necessary a long process of development and planning of marketing, through which the value will be determined to be added by the consumer.
Also they are indispensable actions that generate contact with the white public, condition this followed the scratch for great companies. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF the MARK a formula to be followed in the construction of a mark or described method to be followed step by step, does not exist, since the way traced for a mark will not fit 100% to another one, therefore, if it must take in consideration all the factors for creation, market, white public, environment and competition, amongst other similar factors. ' ' The construction is much more of what giving a name to it offers. In the truth is to make certain promise to the customers on as to live one experincia' '. (Kotler, 2006). The development of one marks can be a difficult task, since it passes for all the periods of training of creation, maintenance and strategical management. For Aaker (2007), one of the practical problems of construction of a mark is the development of an efficient and coherent communication in the different types of medias and throughout the time.
Decartes Nature
Even so animals and human beings possess vary things emcomum as the death, the birth, pain and the pleasure. Ren Discardings, pensadormoderno and adept of the renascentistas ideas. It made the inversion of this realidadepercebida in relation to the animals. By being also Christian, Discarding effected the unioestas two chains of thought and elaborated its proper theory respeitoda nature and of the animals: ' ' Under it influences of the new and exciting science of the mechanics, Decartes affirmed that everything what was composed for substance was prevailed porprincpios mechanist, as those that conduct the functioning of a clock. An obvious problem that this perspective placed arrested it our prprianatureza. The human body is composed of substance and is part of the physical world. Therefore, to podiapensar itself that the human beings also would have to be you scheme cujocomportamento was definitive for the laws of cincia.' ' 12 Discardings prevented this conclusion, focando that differently the sereshumanos of the animals, possua an immortal soul given by God.
To passoque those characteristics common between men and animals (birth, edor death), they were only reflected chemical physicists and, of set in motion springs being, masno indication of equal attributes of sensitivity to the human attributes. ComDescartes if started to dissecar animal livings creature with intention to prove that mere machines eleseram, without conscience, and capacity to feel pain. With asua maximum ' ' I think, then existo' ' , Discardings imprisoned and reduced the serhumano its proper mind. increased the existing irrigation ditch still more enters ohomem and the nature. In the Iluminismo and after this, 13 we see position conflitantessobre the nature and the animals. Exactly with all the carried through experiences comanimais if would wait, that the knowledge regarding the physiology of these, modified the especismo constructed since the Average Age. But what we saw it was queeste knowledge in nothing contradicted what Discardings had formulated.