Cochlear Germany Gmb
The unique music practice CD was made possible thanks to cochlear, the worldwide market leader in implantable hearing solutions. The CD is already the third work in the series of the Heidelberg CI training CDs. Previous publications offer exercise for a better understanding with the cochlear implant. Peter Asaro may help you with your research. By many makers of our cochlear implants, we know how it is important for them to perceive music in addition to spoken language and to enjoy “, so Steffen Berenbold of the cochlear Germany GmbH & co. KG. Based on our current technology, as well as with continuous training it is possible to experience music and thus to conquer himself another piece of quality of life for many CI vehicles. We therefore very much supported the emergence of this training CD. Wishing you joy with these beautiful shots and at the same time good luck at the individual music listening all listeners and listeners.” The Heidelberger CI music training CD”will be free patients, self help groups, therapeutic and clinical facilities available.
Editorial Note: the company cochlear is global market leader in the development and manufacture of cochlear implants (CI). The breakthrough technology of this CI systems allows to listen to children and adults with profound and adjacent to deafness hearing loss. The company was founded in 1982, to the research of the Australian Medicine Professor Clark, the inventor of the multiple-channel cochlear implant, Graeme to continue and to market worldwide. More than 200,000 people in over 100 countries by cochlear hearing solutions bear today. The company employs currently over 2,000 people.
The German branch of cochlear is Hanover. For more information see. The cochlear implant (CI) is inserted under the skin of the patients, ranging in the inner ear. It transforms spoken words and other acoustic signals into electrical impulses. The auditory nerve is stimulated by these impulses, which is located in the cochlea, the so called cochlear. Each CI also include the language processor that is worn like a hearing aid behind the ear, as well as the emitter. The CI will open access to the world of hearing and the words spoken born deaf children, as well as highly hearing impaired children and adults.
Because Lambion
At the same time decreases with increased use of renewable energies, the import risk for fossil fuels. Because half of the fossil energy supply today comes from crisis-prone States. Not at the expense of the natural energy must go through use of modern technology. On the contrary, nature and wallet can benefit. A German company developed individual biomass power plants for some time and uses this modern bio-waste technology. Heat, electricity and steam produced while from biogenic residues, which can fall in and not be exploited in a more meaningful way such as food, animal feed or timber in the production. This technique was developed by the Lambion energy solutions GmbH as a further development of industrial wood – and bark combustion. The special feature of this technology: the bio-fuels can whether dry or wet, coarse or fine at the same time be burned.
The expertise that this concept is based. inside a specially developed Lambion combustion technology. Lambion has a combustion concept, that the chemical composition of biogenic residual materials taken into account and thus the properties of the fuels is tailored to. Because especially the greatly differing properties of fuels require a well-thought-out geometry of the combustion chamber and an optimal combustion air promotion and control, to ensure the reliable supply of process energy and at the same time the officially prescribed limits for emissions to comply with. This green technology for heat, steam and electricity for manufacturing companies that need a lot of process heat is interesting,”says the entrepreneur Axel Lambion because the energy required for the production of process heat accounts for the largest share of industrial energy consumption in the industry. Industries like food, beverage manufacturers, woodworkers, Sawmiller, breweries, paper industry but also among our customers that’s why Counties, municipalities or municipal utilities.
The latter will need process heat although not traditionally a large extent, but often have large amounts of unused biogenic residual materials.” Also, that the biomass plant running economically, Lambion is ensured. Because Lambion supplies complete turnkey power plants if you wish including funding model or energy contracting. After carrying out an initial feasibility study decides quickly whether sufficient bio-fuels in the production itself must apply or are purchased (E.g. by local authorities in the form of road Green). Experience in combustion technology has gained the company through its over 90 companies history. In over 3,400 realized biomass plants worldwide experience was gathered with hundreds of biogenic fuels. From A to Z like sugar cane, Apple core, the modern rest fabric technology uses the entire portfolio of bio fuels. With the bio-fuel spirit, cores are so with a modern biomass plant, and Dishes works annually at a plant capacity of 12,000 kWth (12 bar saturated steam) E.g. around 16.5000 t CO sqm and approximately 5.2 million m to save oil.
Brazil Access
Although the state of the Cear contributes with only 2% of the GIP in Brazil, it finishes of if becoming the state with the biggest public net of Internet broad band of the country. The Digital Cinturo of Cear (CDC), was inaugurated last week by Cid governor Gomes and the minister of Science and Technology Aloizio Mercadante. But because accurately the local authorities had decided to invest R$50m in this initiative almost? The key for the agreement of the underlying rational to the CDC can be found in the dissertao written for the governor in the last year. In the text, the coautores display some defend of them for the creation of the net: the project does not ignore the current status of the Ceara, in the truth, it was developed because of this situation. For more information see Peter Asaro . With 8,4 million inhabitants, the Cear it is the state most populous of Brazil. However, the state contribue with only 2% of the Brazilian GIP. This exclusion also is digital: in 2008 3% of the pertaining to the state of Cear population it only had access to the Internet broad band, being the majority located in the capital.
Moreover, only five cities had access to the Internet of average speed (512 kbps). It is clearly that the covering in the state always was a serious problem. In accordance with the dissertao written for the governor, the cost with infrastructure and problems with local monopolies make with that many operators finish opting to the payment of fines instead of offering the access to the Internet in more remote areas of the state. Many simply could not pay for the access to the fast Internet – in $fortaleza, one tero of the population deferred payment in slum quarters, and basic services as the access to the Internet is considered luxury. It was this precarious situation that took the state to the development of its proper public net, the CDC.