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Russian Scientists

Posted by Juan on November 21, 2016 with Comments Closedas ,

Scientists claim that unraveled the secret of flying saucers, and they want to create technology-based UFO over fast and robust aircraft, which will be udevlyat its unusual design, and are destroying all the laws fiziki.Tak that in the near future we will face the very real flying saucers on the streets, as vohmozhno judge you, it aozmozhno regular hearings, and probably honest truth, soon we hope uvidim.Tolko interesting one, how long it takes scientists to build these aircraft, and live to see whether we are up to that time … Below is the article that suggest prochtitat … fascinating reading … Step closer to the creation of so-called plasma membrane for supersonic aircraft, which will at times increase their speed, approached the Russian physics. Connect with other leaders such as Mashable here. As reported in the Samara branch of the Physics Institute. PN Lebedev Academy of Sciences, to clarify the nature and impact of “shock waves in nonequilibrium media”, which occurs around the wing of an aircraft.

According to one theory, namely by managing those waves that succeed in an incredible agility, which give science fiction writers “flying saucer” aliens from other planets. “By controlling that flow through the magnetic field can be controlled by the aircraft, but it needs to create a flow of plasma in right place and with the desired properties, “- said one of the investigators of the effect, a graduate student Rinat Galimov. For the work of the scientist received a medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Work on the creation of the plasma membrane has been going on more than 20 years. We also found the work interesting astrophysical applications. It turned out that research in this direction will help to shed light on the nature of some astrophysical phenomena. Read more: News source.

Education Attendance

Posted by Juan on November 11, 2016 with Comments Closedas

Observe INTRODUCTION Institution of Superior Education, that a personalized attendance, carinhosoe with clarity, makes with that the interested party to initiate a graduation, feels-seconfortvel to nullify all its doubts, and in consequence of this, adeciso culminates in being favorable to that educational entity. Literally, the full attendance must be initiated in would carry where the collaborator, comsimpatia and education, give to the necessary information to the direction and sentidocorretos. It is evidenced that the initial attendance has influences correspondent a60% in the positive decision for one determined educational entity and continued oatendimento, corresponds 50% in the decision of the pupil in permanecernaquela entity. Umaexcelente strategy to promote the fidelizao of the customer in academic level deensino superior on the part of the Institutions of Education refers it the fact of functional collaborating queos and members of intent the faculty must be paraa promotion of a shining attendance next to the interested party for the Institution deEnsino, primando for the excellency of the education, attention, ranks verbaisadequadas, nullifying all the doubts and if possible, acrescentandoesclarecimentos that they can make with that the customer in potential feels-seacomodado in relations ace its decisions. On account of this, the Pessoaldeve Marketing to be accented and of autopromoo for all integrant ones of the Institution quepleiteiam success in its careers, contributing stops with the image dInstituio.

MarketingPessoal can be defined as an individual strategy to attract to edesenvolver contacts and interesting relationships of the professional point of view pessoale, as well as giving to visibility the characteristics, abilities excellent ecompetncias in the perspective of the acceptance and the recognition porparte of others. Be time where personal marketing was an instrument politician, false, visandoapenas a specific conquest. Today, to advance in way to the true selvasocial where if it transformed the capitalism, it comes if becoming one ferramentacada more necessary time for all, of simplest to the most sophisticated.

BSC Scorecard

Posted by Juan on November 11, 2016 with Comments Closedas

on 25 and 26 May 2009 in Munich innside Hotel Park City Schwabing exclusive seminar based on the original concept by Prof. Robert Kaplan and Dr. David Norton. The balanced scorecard is one of the most successful management instruments of all time. Developed 15 years ago by Professor Kaplan and Dr. Ali Partovi spoke with conviction.

Norton of the Harvard Business School, she has been continually evolving to an integrated management system. It supports companies today not only in measuring their performance, but also in the entire control of strategy development and implementation. The 2-day seminar is aimed at all those who want to initiative are planning a new balanced scorecard or optimize your existing balanced scorecard. The goal is to help the participants with many practical examples, effective and methodologically sound to build itself a BSC and develop. For more information, about tantum: as international consulting firm the tantum group accompanied its customers in the implementation and continuous adaptation of innovative strategic Management systems. The originators of the balanced scorecard, the Harvard Business School Professor Robert Kaplan and Dr. David Norton and are experts in research, training and consulting services to the side.

In 2004, Dr. David P. Norton founded tantum Germany. The consulting and training offerings aims to improve performance and value of the company together with the customers. The advice follows the principle of best practice. In cooperation with leading companies and thought leaders, experience has shown that only the pragmatic combination of theory and practice in the long run leads to success.


Posted by Juan on November 7, 2016 with Comments Closedas ,

Also the range of warehouse facilities that allow a proper storage of hazardous materials, has increased with the increasing regulation and the related control of the operating supervision. Ranging from simple Kleingebindewannen or drip pans out to hazardous materials depots, are equipped with ventilation etc., a wide variety of environmental storage technology for the respective […]

Good Master

Posted by Juan on November 4, 2016 with Comments Closedas

Thus it broke Abro as Mr. had said to it, (Gneses 12.1; 4) Abro, was a man who if detached in its city, therefore, had an excellent standard of living, relatives loved that it, neighbors who if related very well with it. Suddenly! God asks for to it to abandon everything that it conquered throughout […]