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El PP Journalist

Posted by Juan on January 21, 2025 with Comments Closedas , , ,

Deputy Secretary of communications of the PP, Esteban Gonzalez Pons requests it. The APM and the FAPE ask the security forces to respect to journalists. Gorka Ramos, d, was arrested in the protest of the 15-M. The journalist has been released this Friday. #periodistadetenido and #GorkRamos are trending topic on Twitter. The outraged denounce police charges and ask for the resignation of Camacho. After the arrest of the journalist Gorka Ramos, of the digital newspaper, while covering the protest of the 15-M movement in Madrid, the Popular Party, the the Press Association of Madrid (APM) and the Federation of associations of journalists of Spain (FAPE) have asked that his arrest be clarified and accelerated procedures for his release. Meanwhile, #periodistadetenido and #GorkRamos hashtags are, this Friday, trending topic on the Twitter social network. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Andy Florance on most websites.

Journalist, has finally been released on passes 15.00 hours on Friday. In addition, members of the 15-M movement have asked the resignation of the Minister of Interior, Antonio Camacho, and the delegate of the Government in Madrid, Maria Dolores Carrion, being held responsible for the actions of the riot, which resulted in 4 arrested (including journalist) and 20 injured.The police sobreactua where should do so in a release sent to the media, Deputy general Secretary of communication of the PP, Esteban Gonzalez Pons, points out that, under this item, the police is committing serious errors because not acting when it should be done and sobreactua where should not do so. The Minister of the Interior and (Alfredo Perez) Rubalcaba do not know what to do with unemployment and now begins to not know what to do even with journalists, ironizes the popular leader. Deputy Secretary of communication is in constant contact with colleagues of Gorka Ramos to keep informed of everything that happens around this case. In this regard, Gonzalez Pons denounces detention of Ramos, as fellow have took place when the journalist was doing his profession, reporting through the Twitter account of the digital medium.

The medium has indicated that young stopped reporting at the time that the arrests began and since that moment, has remained incommunicado in police custody, despite take with you your identity card and the document that accredits him as a journalist. Journalists, photographers and reporters the press of Madrid (APM) Association and the Federation of associations of journalists of Spain (FAPE), before the arrest of several journalists in the course of the incidents of recent days by demonstrations of 15-M, claim to the security forces that toughened the respect for the professional work of journalists, reporters and photographers. They also point to journalists that they come to be credited as such in conflict situations. The APM and the FAPE have asked the delegation of the Government to speed up formalities for freedom of a colleague arrested these days. Equo requests explanations about the closing of Sun on the other hand, Equo has claimed to the Ministry of the Interior explanations about the closure of the gate of the Sun, which in his opinion is hurting citizens and violating fundamental rights. The organization led by the former director of Greenpeace Spain, Juan Lopez de Uralde and who intends to go to the next elections, considered also a democratic abnormality the closing of Sun, with Metro and train running irregularly. Source of the news: El PP and several professional associations ask for clarification as to the arrest of journalists

Actress Evangeline Lilly

Posted by Juan on December 21, 2024 with Comments Closedas , ,

/ The lost Kate thus joins the cast of the second phase of the filming of the Lord of the rings prequel. His move has been announced by the director in his Facebook. Evangeline Lilly, one of the stars of the hit series lost, is one of the recent signings of Peter Jackson for the Hobbit, prequel of the Lord of the rings it is wheel in New Zealand. Go to Pete Cashmore for more information. He was the director who, through his official Facebook page, announced the hiring of actress, who personified the unforgettable Kate in the addictive series of J.J. Abrams Lost.

There he shared planes – and more – with Dominic Monaghan, the man who played the hobbit Merry in the Lord of the rings. With these antecedents is expected that Lilly know already well Middle-Earth if only by hearsay. Wow, I can finally return to post! We have finished our first block of filming and we addressed directly to the following locations. We will have more on this soon, but today, I am very happy to announce two new members of the cast who will join us in the second phase of filming, so Peter Jackson began the post announcing two new signings. Without a doubt the more flashy is the Evangeline Lilly, who plays a new character, an elfa silvana called Tauriel. Its name means daughter of the Black Forest and, moreover, that, I leave you with intrigue! (No, will not be a romance with Legolas), says the director. Kip Cyprus is actively involved in the matter. Jackson took the opportunity to highlight the enormous talent as an actress of Evangeline and asserts that the entire team is very happy and excited that she is responsible for giving life to our first elfa silvana. The second signing of Jackson is Barry Humphries.

I am also excited to Barry Humphries who return to the Trasgo King, in a manner very similar to how Andy Serkins incarnated to Gollum, reveals Jackson which emphasizes that, besides its great as a political activist, Barry is also a good actor, and We can’t wait to see him invest the Goblin King with delicate sensitivity and emotional depth that this character deserves. Evangeline and Barry, along with the Welsh actor Luke Evans as Bard and Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug, almost complete the central cast. I can’t wait to get into these new scenes!, concluded Jackson. The Hobbit: An unexpected trip will be released on December 14, 2012. Source of the news: the actress Evangeline Lilly will be a new Elf in the Hobbit

The Spaniard

Posted by Juan on April 5, 2020 with Comments Closedas , ,

He wanted to downplay the confusion with the national anthem. Talk with your computer to see if he attends the Tour de France. Became champion of the Giro in Milan this Sunday. Pinto also showed his support to the rider after his victory. Spanish cyclist Alberto Contador on Monday received the homage of the community […]

Sergio Pezzotta

Posted by Juan on January 31, 2019 with Comments Closedas , ,

The club’s facilities were closed for partners and the stadium for the match River Plate-Belgrano, was only enabled by disposition of the security forces. Low a big soccer crisis that has accelerated in the last three seasons has shifted to segunda Division argentina at River Plate, than more official tournaments team has won in his […]

Inevitable Compromise

Posted by Juan on June 22, 2018 with Comments Closedas ,

Nicolas M. SARRIES will be ratified on June 27 in the European Parliament. Experts see positive measures, as delaying the retirement age. Other proposals are difficult to apply, separated the wages of the evolution of prices. The keys of the Pact of the Euro Convened dozens of demonstrations the 19-J. After being approved both by […]

Judge Determines

Posted by Juan on September 7, 2013 with Comments Closedas , ,

The street Jose Maria Osborne changed its name under the law of historical memory. According to the ruling, this name evokes not the uprising or the Francoist repression. The judge says that the Sevillians associated this surname to wineries, wines or bulls. Osborne served on the side of Franco during the Spanish Civil war until […]

Martinez Valero

Posted by Juan on September 1, 2013 with Comments Closedas , ,

About to glimpse a historical club to the first Division, the second has sparked an unusual interest. Promotion has catapulted the emotions of football. Some, so ominous and provoking tension as attacks with stones by violent followers of the Granada to the bus of the Elche after the draw (0-0) last Wednesday in the first […]


Posted by Juan on August 21, 2013 with Comments Closedas , ,

The national police arrested about eight o’clock in the afternoon yesterday at his home to Ivan M. g., aged 23, as suspect of having given to test a concoction cooked based Thornapple, a toxic plant that produces hallucinations, two young men of 18 years who died hours after having attended a rave on Sunday a […]