Team Conflicts
Currently, the situation has changed dramatically the development of childhood. Tense social, economic, demographic, ecological situation causes the increase of negative tendencies in the development of personality future generations. For even more opinions, read materials from Mikkel Svane. Among them particular concern progressive alienation, heightened anxiety, the spiritual disorientation of children, increasing their cruelty, aggressiveness, potential conflict. The most acute of these trends are of school age – ostroprotekayuschem period of transition a child from their own childhood to adulthood. According to psychologists psychoanalytic direction, the phenomenon of teenage conflicts are inevitable, because the person attempts to integrate new sexual impulses lead to internal upheavals, personality disorders, and reduction of social adaptation. To reduce the negative effects collision of sexual impulses with social taboos, the teenager "is using" psychological defense mechanisms (suppression, repression, projection, identification, rationalization, and sublimation), which distort the perception of a situation that can act as one of the factors of interpersonal conflicts. Conflict management, we consider how to organize communication between opponents to produce their total traffic to and which serves as overcoming the destructive logic of a natural conflict. On this basis the relevance of the topic defined by the following aspects: our attention should also address the special situation of schoolchildren; need to find a common ground of a changing world and the process of establishing this kind of adolescent at this age, both emotionally – personal communication, as well as clarify the influence of prevailing social the situation to him; further aspect was the need to study the motives of emotional choice in interpersonal relationships that adolescents, in turn, expressed the need for change in education school work, the emergence of new educational technologies. Despite the fact that the domestic psycho-pedogogicheskoy science, sociology and philosophy, studied many aspects of the conflict, most of them different traditional negative attitude towards the phenomenon itself. In domestic science in contrast to Western research is not a reorientation of research on the initially positive orientation with respect to conflict. In particular, virtually no studies on the formation of a conflict of competence as a property of providing mutual personal and educational growth in all areas of conflict.