Inevitable Compromise

Posted by Juan on June 22, 2018as ,

Nicolas M. SARRIES will be ratified on June 27 in the European Parliament. Experts see positive measures, as delaying the retirement age. Other proposals are difficult to apply, separated the wages of the evolution of prices. The keys of the Pact of the Euro Convened dozens of demonstrations the 19-J. After being approved both by the 17 js of State and Government by the European Commission, the next June 27 will be ratified in Parliament and thus come into force, predictably, the so-called Pact of the Euro.

The agreement will entail concrete measures in each member country to boost competitiveness, employment, sustain public finances and strengthen financial stability. Companies that produce more and better, reducing levels of unemployment, less waste of public administrations, the flow of all credit recovery seem laudable objectives, although what consequences will this Covenant on the Spanish economy take? 20minutes has asked to several of the best economists in this country about the advantages and disadvantages of this commitment made by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in March of this year and that already several reforms (of the pension system, labor) have been conducted. We are emptying public sector there is a criticism of widespread among many sectors because if we carefully look at concrete measures actually there is little stimulus to competitiveness, productivity, does not speak of boosting r & d. For the Professor of the Complutense University Juan Antonio Maroto, it is a truism that you had to adjust the pension system since the relationship between contributors and beneficiaries was unsustainable. Thus, in his opinion, the increase in the retirement age would be logical and would strengthen pensions provided we continue betting on a system of pure cast in public hands. Being critical, we are emptying the public sector to give input to the private business, says. Professor Maroto mistrusts give rise to private retirement plans: would have to monitor them very well, because experience shows that in Spain there is no good managers of these funds.