Sustainable Development
The nature has wants to be seen through its autarchy in the society as a whole, and not more only as a Natural resources. The study of the nature in itself, of natural processes in its autonomy, it is sine qua non condition for its use for the modern society. more still, is prerequisite an indispensable one to decide the enormous ambient problems placed by this use of intensive form, one of the great challenges of century XXI. Then for a boarding of the problematic ones in relation to the nature we cannot agree to palliative measures, we must search concrete solutions and of reach macro. In the process of implementation of the sustainable development the Ambient Education becomes a practical basic instrument for one not reflexiva one of the consumption of the natural goods. the ambient education is consolidated as an important tool for the absorption of the Sustainable Development. The education of Geography, accepting acriticamente the one intentions ' ' education ambiental' ' previously formulated for the Sustainable Development, it finishes for taking care of to the doubtless interests of the ruling class. (OLIVEIRA.
2003, p, 135) One of the forms to lead to practical of reflective education the communities he is for the direct action of the professor in the classroom and extracurricular activities. Through activities as, pertaining to school reading, works, analyze research and debates, the pupils will be able to understand and to weave problematic that they affect the community where they live; to reflect and to criticize the actions which is influenced in its conviviality. The professors are the basic part in the process of awareness of the society against the ideology of the sustainable development, therefore they will search in with its pupils reflections about the use and consumption of the nature, transforming them into conscientious and compromised citizens with the society. In other terms, the knowledge to be reached in education, in the perspective of a critical geography, does not be situated in the professor or science to be ' ' ensinada' ' or vulgarized, and yes in the Real, the way where pupil and professor are situated and are fruit of the prxis collective of the social groups.