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Top Online Games

Posted by Juan on September 18, 2012 with Comments Closedas

Game of platform is the given name to one gnero of games where the player runs and jumps between platforms and obstacles, fighting against objectos enemies and they coleccionam bnus. One of the most known and spread out examples of this type of game is the Super Mrio. This gnero directamente reaches the infantile public as well as representatives of adult public young also. They are games that require a little more than time of the player, a time that the player alone obtains to continue in the game if to reach some goals, what he finishes for demanding many times a little of trainings and concentration, to arrive themselves at the end of the level and to obtain to pass all the levels to arrive at the end of the game. The series of games of known platforms more are Mrio and Sonic, but it still has other games of platform sufficiently known as Donkey Kong, Prince of Persia, Castlevania and Mega Man.

This type of games nowadays more is known in flash, therefore it requires little capacity of the computer and any person can play. She can accede to these games from many sites of games online and use to advantage of one good time vitiated to the game to finish all the levels with the biggest possible punctuation to arrive at the end of the game. In many sites it is possible to see the punctuation of other players and top will be one of the best ones can until entering in one where the classifications are sufficiently high and alone they reach the best players online. This type of games is many amused being sufficiently easy of if to be vitiated, after passing the first level alone we want to take the game until the o end. It tries all the Games Amused that the Top Online Games has to offer to you, since the popular Games of Cars until the Games of Ben 10, it exists a little of everything, it comes to know.


Posted by Juan on September 4, 2012 with Comments Closedas

When speech of Psychology, is continued thinking about the more traditional areas of the discipline, that is to say, the clinical area and mental health. Nevertheless, the advances are many that like professionals, we have obtained in spreading our work to other professional areas. My tactical mission, or licensed for almost 10 years, has been the certainty that the technological changes force to us to work with new professionals, like computer science programmers or designers. The technological revolution follows its course, we cannot predict with exactitude towards where. But we know that we must prepare to us. The options that are abren are infinite.

And the best news is than they are to our disposition. The psychologists already we are customary to work in multiprofessional equipment (social doctors, assistants, professors ) and in addition, the work who we developed in our organizations has been growing in uncertainty and ambiguity during the past few years: multipurpose positions, temporary pressure, potentiality, surroundings unpredictable, new forms of authority, structures with little clear hierarchies, importance of the knowledge like key factor in numerous businesses, the necessity to have diverse abilities, the advantage of the existence of abilities distributed within an equipment, etc. In order to manage to acquire these competitions, the psychologists we can be a key piece in the organizations. To live in the uncertainty It is against this background that I describe that the psychologists we have an excellent paper like leaders in the organizations. Particularly social Psychology and the studies have interested me on leadership. In this specific field, many equipment of investigation exists at present, perhaps although it is the Globe project (Global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness) the realised most ambitious study to date on the subject of the leadership. The Globe project includes 160 investigators of 62 societies distributed by everybody and analyzes the paper of the culture in the effectiveness of the leadership.