Portuguese Distance
IFRN-UAB broad Course of After-Graduation sense in Portuguese and Mathematical Language in a Transdisciplinar Perspective Polar region of Luis Gomes Pupil: Maria of the Favours of Abrantes Weaveeing reflections concerning the Education in the distance Maria of the Favours of Abrantes* the present text has the intention in the distance to stand out and to confirm the importance of the modality of Education for the citizens contemporaries. To base this quarrel theoretically throwing hand of some affirmations of Moran (2000). The proposal of offers of the Education in the distance is a reply the demand of courses of good quality for a white public who does not have conditions of time and space to frequent courses in the actual modality. Of this form, this area of education contributes of positive form to brighten up educational problems. Its main characteristic is the communication between professor and pupil mediated for technological ways.
The traditional classrooms are substituted by virtual environments, thus privileging access to the knowledge. In relation to the paper of the professor in this modality of Moran education (2000, p.2) it affirms that: The paper of the professor if extends significantly: of the informer, whom said contents, if it transforms into person who orientates of learning, gerenciador of research and communication, inside and outside of the classroom, of a process that walks to be semiactual, using to advantage optimum of what we can make in the classroom and the virtual environment. From what the author said can be inferred that in this new pautado educational model in the technology and the virtual mediation, the professor acquires a character of facilitador of the knowledge. With this, the pupil gains more autonomy and responsibility to manage its learning. As it remembers well Perrenoud one of the abilities of the modern professional is to know to manage its formation. As pupil of the Education in the distance I can give certification of the good quality of the EAD. This alternative educational lode with intention to democratize the knowledge and to finish with the social exclusion and to provide a digital inclusion.
Assured for article 80 of LDB 9394/96, this area of the knowledge has allowed that the pupil is in fact the citizen of the learning as they wanted Freire, Dewey, Piaget and other adepts of the new school. *Graduada in Pedgogia for the UFCG.Professora de Infantile Educao In way the doubts, preconceptions and questionings the Education in the distance comes gaining space in the Brazilian educational context and to give to total emphasis the formation of professors. It is an excellent form of us, teaching professionals, to reelaborarmos and to consolidate ours to know, for each time more consubstanciarmos in them as inconclusos beings and perpetual apprenticees. Others who may share this opinion include Douglas R. Oberhelman. The dimension of the value of the EAD for pupils the regional and world-wide level is uneven, a modern and trustworthy way to construct knowledge. REFERENCE Moran, Jose Manuel. Innovative education in the Society of the Information. In: WWW.eca.usp.br/prof/moran
American Airlines
American Airlines Inc. and Expedia have solved their fight through system for their cheap flights of the airline in a matter of airplane tickets. The two companies announced Monday that had reached a new agreement of Fort Worth, American Airlines with soothes in (NYSE: AMR) and the flights of American Eagle that will look for and of Expedia and Hotwire is sold in the Web sites. Further details can be found at Mashable, an internet resource. Although the terms in the agreement were not developings, Expedia plans to accede to the tariffs of American, schedules and customized products of trips and services through connection of direct connection of America by means of the use of aggregation technology. Expedia (NASDAQ: EXPE) in line removed the flights from American in their site of trips in January, in a dispute on the direct connection of sale the American ticket technology. Expedia and its affiliates, Hotwire, have recovered American Airlines tariffs and information of programming in their Web sites, putting aim to a dispute of three months. Learn more on the subject from Starbucks. Expedia fell American of their lists, in a preventive measure in past January after American removed its flight information of Orbitz, when the companies could not be put in agreement on a new contract.
Everything Natural
The natural resources are many that in are offered by the nature, however finite. In virtue of the exacerbada globalization, overpopulation and the current style of the development, the modern man has the challenge of avanr technologically and at the same time, to preserve the nature. An impossible task? The reply it is Not! Therefore if the be-human being is the only being with the capacity to deal with the resources not-renewed, it only runs the risk of exterminar a gone way of whose essential elements can lack suddenly. Great part of what it is offered in them by the nature, the man can look at its front, choose and plan as this resource will be used to advantage and restituted, therefore these choices will define the future that we will have. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Code.org.
However, when we decide to act in contrary way, we run the risk to deplete our precious natural reserves. The consequncias of this fact will be: The disequilibrium of the alimentary chain, the elimination of numerous species of vegetables and animals, the exhaustion of the water reserves candy, pollution of air, the rivers, seas, lakes, oceans Everything in function of the irresponsible use of the technology, that affects in direct way the nature. ‘ ‘ The land is a great friend of people, in the ones of the everything of favour pra to live: Sun, and sky, light and air, rivers and sources, land and sea, we are the heirs of the future and pra this future to be happy, we go to have that to take care of of this country ‘ well; ‘ This gizmo of a celebrity music very known discloses to the importance of preservarmosa mother nature. Remaking our habits of education they had not lacked natural resources offered by the environment.. See Douglas R. Oberhelman for more details and insights.
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Contact Network
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