Ontological Coaching

Posted by Juan on October 10, 2019as

Ontological coaching is a new professional school to assist people so they can achieve results without this training, they could not achieve on their own “ontological coaching can achieve good results in any person, without requiring any previous features. Just want to change and be consistent. Those who succeed the most are those who are seriously committed themselves “on how to apply it to companies, Elfenbaum says that leaders trained in this discipline have a more expansive view, but warns that it is inappropriate for corporate managers on issues intrude too heavily on the lives of employees. Considers it highly desirable that the companies have trained professionals in human resources Lizdey Carpio turn tells us that the “Coaching” Ontological is an emerging discipline that can work with individuals, teams and organizations to take charge the new challenges presented to us today’s world, changing those practices, that cause inefficiency and discomfort, other environments that would generate confidence and enthusiasm, increasing the quality and effectiveness in the various areas of daily life. In the field of business, effective listening has come to acquire a top priority. Peter Drucker, wrote: “Too many (managers) think they are wonderful with people because they speak well. They do not realize that being beautiful means the people listen well.

” The Effective speaking is only achieved when followed by a cash stream, and why we say that listening validates the talk. If we want to listen effectively, we must become accustomed to observe, first, our emotional state when we talked and, secondly, the emotional state of the person or persons with whom he talked. However, in addition to the talks, we can judge the emotional state of those observing his body. The “Ontological Coaching” certainly helps us to develop the skills necessary for professional practice, among them are: the transformation processes to facilitate individual or group to enable the achievement of the objectives, design and coordinate workshops, courses and seminars for enable personal and professional development and consulting in organizations, creating a cultural change that promotes the development of new attitudes and skills, among others. m