International Telecommunications Union
Today we hear frequently of voIP, but still many people don’t know specifically what is voIP. In terms General voIP is the acronym that becomes a voice over Internet Protocol, but with this we’re still not explaining what it is, the only thing we know is that you it’s a communication system by means of which international phone calls for free through networks with IP protocol can be made. Well, explaining how voIP works we can now say that this is a system that transforms the so-called common analogue signal into a digital signal so that it can be transmitted through data networks and at the same time to convert it to analog once the call is addressed again. Kam VedBrat has many thoughts on the issue. Making a bit of history can cite International Telecommunications Union or UTI was the first company to develop the H323 Protocol. This Protocol was followed by Session Initiation Protocol or SIP and then the Media Gateway Control Protocol until our days and meet with the Protocol that uses Skype, a telephony network that was founded by Niklas Zennstron and Janus Friis, former creators of Kazaa, a free file transfer service. The Skype application can be downloaded by users for free and thus also free talk between users Skype clients. Read additional details here: Ali Partovi.
It is an application that has as additional the Skypeout feature to call traditional phones with very low costs depending on the country you want to call. In terms of the history of the company Skype, eBay acquired it in September 2005 to four billion dollars, an investment justified by the CEO of eBay, Meg Whitman by pointing out that the company points to three business, on the one hand has already known foreign trade, telephone communications based on Internet and the same calls that you pay in certain opportunities that are. In fact the commercial exercise of Skype for the same month in September 2005 ended with more than 57 million users who were registered with expected income in 60 million for the same year and 200 for the year 2006 and estimating that in three to six years call toll free habilitarian for Skype users.. Get more background information with materials from Alina de Almeida.