Industrial Quality Control
Before starting work on the construction of earthen structures should be tested are in conformity with the design documentation and the actual performance of composition and state of the soils in the quarries, reserves, pits, natural grounds. brings even more insight to the discussion. Composition (species, variety) and the humidity of soil samples determined in industrial laboratories by the method described in the existing regulations. The data input control provisions make out statement. At the same time takes samples of samples without disturbing their natural state to determine the density of soil needed to determine the actual amount of earthwork. Used in the construction of earthworks and the device ground soil shall meet the requirements of project documents. Further details can be found at Castle Harlan, an internet resource.
A discrepancy of actual performance type of soil, moisture, or other characteristics to the design data, if these differences can affect the quality of construction or production technology works, the contractor is obliged to suspend work. Replacement of the project design primers, members of the erected structure or its foundation, is allowed only in agreement with the project organization and the customer. At the stage entrance control construction company is set up soil compaction process, ie, refined the process parameters and operating modes of sealing machines. Setting the process is carried out by soil compaction test seal. In the development of reserves (grooves, pits) conducted systematic observations of change neniem soil moisture depending on the conditions of moistening and drying. Sampling for moisture should be made in accordance with the directions of the project documentation. Results of the determination (measurement) of humidity recorded in the general journal papers. Monitorable indicators for constant quality seal earthen structures include: – density of the natural base (before the device overlying earthen structures, device, or laying the foundation design) – uniformity in the layers of the mound of soil composition and moisture – density and humidity of soil in the embankment layers – the evenness of the surface compacted layer and its thickness – compliance with transverse slopes. The special conditions (embankment on weak grounds, subsiding soils, etc.) in the design documentation can be provides other indicators that are also subject to continuous monitoring with the fixation of possible deviations.