LTO Tapes Will Have A Future
The history of magnetic tapes for over 50 years to end about 2 to 3 years is set to hard drive solutions many companies new archiving and data protection projects (usually B2D (backup to disc)). Thus arises the question whether this new technology will replace the magnetic tapes. We are sure that the end of the LTO is seal bands hard drive solutions until at least 2017. Digression: why backup? Data are the most important capital nowadays (even when smaller companies). When an entrepreneur loses all data (customer data, product data, financial data, stock / inventory, etc.) through errors, accidents, or disasters, it is existentially threatened.
To avoid this, every entrepreneur must backup regularly (= backup) make. For years on so-called backup data tapes (E.g. LTO tapes) store. With LTO tapes, data can be copied or backed up to have this data available in the long term. The current version of the LTO tapes (LTO 5) is characterized by a maximum Capacity of 3 TB (compressed) per tape and transfer rates of up to 280 MB / s out. There are numerous reasons even today for magnetic tapes. Although the B2D technology is modern and faster, so it is bands both in the acquisition and operation compared with LTO significantly more expensive. Can hard drives do not like LTO tapes simply swapped (so safe stored) are. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Mikkel Svane.
To keep in mind is the fact that hard disks (in the operation) have a lifespan of only 5 years. Hard drives, which are used for archiving, to hold 10-30 yrs. Magnetic tape / LTO have bands, however, a life expectancy of at least 30 years. Backup tapes are inexpensive, small, insensitive to shocks or vibrations and thus easy to transport. LTO backup tapes are a good choice for LAN (corporate backup). They are suitable as backup media for flexible use, as well as for non-House safekeeping (safe / safety deposit box etc.). The slow access speed is however not suitable backup tapes for real-time systems. Conclusion: LTO tapes remain in the future first choice due to the lower cost and easy storage just small and medium-sized enterprises will opt in the future tapes in the backup for LTO. Thus this proven technology is are also still long not the past.