Informatics Research Group
Wireless mesh networks with P2P applications make Leipzig possible, the Jun 2008 – start the research project UbiMesh the Chair of computer networks and distributed systems and the Foundation Chair of Deutsche Telekom for applied telematics at the Institute for computer science at the University of Leipzig in cooperation with the Chair of marketing at the University of Leipzig: ubiquitous broadband Internet access using wireless mesh networks and peer-to-peer (P2P) applications. In this research project, fully funded by the Federal Ministry of education and research (BMBF), a know-how and technology transfer from the University of Leipzig in the industry will take place. Thus, innovative research results for a successful economic development for companies in the new Lander be harnessed. The project aims at establishing a wireless mesh network with new protocol software and P2P applications for the mobile high-speed Internet access via Wi-Fi network technology. So mobile users do not use your laptop, PDA or mobile phone only free in the Web surfing, but also get messages to send or Exchange photos, images and video clips. The software prototypes developed by the Informatics Research Group provide this functionality and also provide a high-performance data transfer.
In addition, supply gaps with missing DSL fixed network access, which often occur in rural areas, can be connected with this new technology. This software is based on internationally recognized research results. In addition to the maturation of the existing software to marketable products, business investigations represent a further goal of the research project. Thus, the viability of new business models for the future mobile Internet is examined. In the framework of the project, Internet service providers, software vendors, and network hardware manufacturer can participate for free in an industry Advisory Board. In addition to practical experience with wireless mesh networks and P2P applications the industry partners receive comprehensive know-how on technical trends for the future mobile Internet and related new business models. More information available under online. Prof. Dr. Christoph Lindemann