
Posted by Juan on April 19, 2018as ,

The support of treatment due to the increase of intracellular reduced glutathione is one of the most effective therapeutic options. What is glutathione? Glutathione (?-L glutamyl L-cysteinylglycin) is a sulphurous Tripeptide which is formed in the liver from the three amino acids, glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. It is included in almost all cells of the body in high concentrations, which found the highest concentrations in the Leukocyte, erythrocytes and the liver. The most important role for the organism plays in its reduced form glutathione, also known as the GSH. GSH is the most powerful known antioxidant, regulates cell division and is involved in a large part of the metabolic processes, affecting the immune system. Swarmed by offers, John K Castle is currently assessing future choices. In particular, it is responsible and involved in the regulation of lymphocyte metabolism for the synthesis of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. A Glutathionmangel always affect the Defense power of the immune system (reducing the number of the CD 8 +-cells and impair the cytotoxic) (T cell activity) and the body’s ability to protect its cells and mitochondria from damage caused by free oxygen radicals a GSH-waste can be observed in very many diseases, especially in the most cancers, AIDS, viral infections, rheumatism, inflammatory disorders and in the multi system disorders, such as chronic Lyme disease. Source: Mashable. A glutathione therapy should always be performed when a low intracellular GSH content is or may be suspected.

Because reduced glutathione performs most of the functions essential for metabolism, a GSH deficiency has far-reaching immunological consequences: it decreases the level of protection of the cell components (especially the mitochondria) against reactive oxygen species (“free radicals”), environmental toxins and heavy metals can be excreted less numerous immune reactions are still insufficiently controlled – with negative consequences, above all for the cytotoxic T-cell activity (Grimble 2001, Hahn 2006). It suffers from the Regulation of cell division and the body’s ability to defective DNA repair. A pathological waste on intracellular GSH is typically observed at: AIDS viral infections malignancies (solid) loads with environmental toxins/heavy metals some auto-immune diseases (SLE, rheumatoid arthritis) it has proved as effective therapy neuro degenerative diseases, especially when this disease patterns, to normalize the glutathione levels, since in this way the self healing mechanisms of the organism (re) enabled cannot be activated self-regulation that can reinforce the effect of the therapy any side effects of other forms of treatment can be reduced (this applies in particular to a chemo / radiotherapy or taking certain medicines. GlutCell GSH precursors and simultaneous promotion of glutathione synthesis a therapeutically effective approach is to administer oral preparations to provide the organism with GSH precursors and in addition to promote the biosynthesis of glutathione. One in this Respect the German GlutCell, which combines vitamin C with a specially-made plant active ingredient composition, especially of polyphenols, N-acetylcysteine is meaningful compilation.

GlutCell is approved for the dietetic treatment of lowered glutathione levels and one of the few products, there are data on the patient for that. According to the manufacturer the increase of in glutathione content in the immune cells is confirmed but not by larger studies very convincing (after discount supplementation highly significant increases were noted).