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Hunter Health

Posted by Juan on January 28, 2018 with Comments Closedas

Then, Davim (2003) affirms that: It must have the participation accomplishes of the professionals of the area, as well as of the users of the services of health and communitarian leaderships, aiming at to the theoretician-practical education of the breast auto-examination and other subjects of general interest of the woman. We know that, by means of a system of health organized and hierarquizado in levels of complexity in its attendance, a great factor for the good development of any action of health becomes. If you would like to know more then you should visit Robotics expert . With this, it is cabvel to reflect in tactics that can intervine in the development that they individually affect the health of the woman worker, with its invisible risks. So that this if consolidates, the education in health is excellent, through educative campaigns that involve the breast auto-examination, as well as, the necessity of annual gynecological prevention, the mamografia and the process of educative actions that involve the health of the woman. For Hunter (2003) considers this illness and thus health of woman as problem of health public, that we have observed throughout the time, that the difficulties for lived deeply them almost always are indicative of factors of social order, economic and cultural. Amongst these factors, it is distinguished knowledge lack and the privacy with the proper body, associates to the fear to touch it and sentiz it without guilt, as well as the fear to look the health professional and to detect any change in its organism, fear of barriers to the access in the services. Reaffirming what he was said previously, the above-mentioned author still affirms that: For being the service of health and the medias in mass the disseminating greaters it knowledge and education of the practical one of the auto-examination of the breasts. The orientation for the press reached great number of women, however, the supplied information did not reveal efficient for not teaching practical the correct one of the examination, since great part of them carried through the incorrect examination frequently, what it diminishes its acurcia, or did not carry through it. .