
Posted by Juan on November 27, 2014as ,

Especially the need to bring them to their attention to fans in the interior of post-modernism and hi-tech. There is also a technique Casting, known here as "Murano glass". For the stained-glass windows from casting him in metal form at the bottom of which is embossed grooves. In these deeper poured molten colored glass, which is then covered with a layer of transparent glass. But unlike the glass in the technique of "sintering" drawing on "Murano glass" is limited to the metallic form, with which it was manufactured. Stained glass in the art of engraving sandblasting on glass and mirror glass is not thicker than 5 mm, on which several layers of deposited pattern. With this method, you can create a matted picture or make the glass glubokorelefnuyu structure.

This allows for all sorts of glass paintings, inscriptions. Most work done by this method is associated with songs on the "flower-grape theme, you can also paint and abstract shapes. This stained glass window is ideal for interior design in a classic style. Next to the sophisticated technology of the present stained glass can now be found the technique of film or varnish psevdovitrazha psevdovitrazh. These stained glass windows are not durable and does not bring joy in the interior.

The latest technology of glass production significantly increased the possibilities of functional the use of stained glass. Along with the usual use of stained glass as a filling aperture, increasingly began to see ways in which glass is used in the most unpredictable ways: as an inlay ceilings, as separates the space of partitions, screens, how to design plafonds, sconces, as inserts in furniture (cupboards, cabinets) or countertops, or as a decoration of the premises, in the form of panels or even solid surfaces. Modern stained glass designed for electric lighting, which greatly expanded the possibilities of its application in architecture – not only in the windows, but in the interior partitions and suspended ceilings. Wide application double-glazed windows in modern building necessitated the introduction of modern technology through stained glass piece, a special colored laminate and lead profile of different sections. Stained glass, collected for this technology, outwardly indistinguishable from the classic and can not only be used in the restoration, but also to create the effect of antiquity. Because of its light transmission, the plane of the stained glass can be beautiful intake zoning does not violate the integrity of the perception of space. Especially worth noting that only capable of creating stained glass in the interior of a particular medium of light, volatile and unpredictable game color. Stained glass is unthinkable without the light, so the ability of glass scatter light, not absorb it, you can create in the interior with stained glass unusual colors.