VoIP Office
In a highly competitive crucial role played by the details. A lot of details. From the dispatch service is: superb quality, pre-informing customers about the cost of travel information on the appointment of machine-made, the fact of filing machines, competent work with the drivers. Dell Inc. describes an additional similar source. Important role is that the quality of transport services that stated in the advertisement. How to register your company? The easiest way – the private entrepreneur, is best as a limited liability company. Type of information services. Room. The premises must be chosen with great care.
Basic requirements for the premises imposed by the presence of qualitative communication. So the room must meet the following requirements of quality of communication: – availability of high-speed Internet channel, 512 Mbps, ideally with no restrictions on the amount of traffic. Better if these channels will be two and from various Internet service providers – the presence of provider of ip telephony in the office. That is, provider, telephony, capable to make your office a modern VoIP telephony protocols. This may be the protocols sip or h.323; – presence in the office of a stable connection of the gsm cellular operators, services which you intend to use – sustainable power supply in the office. Lack of long intervals of time without electricity. From short-term interruptions of electricity insure getting uninterruptible power supplies. Telephone communication.
For a start it will be enough for about four telephone lines, for which sufficient one phone number. In this case, ideally, make ip telephony. To do this, inquired about the availability of ip telephony providers you have your city.