The Process

Posted by Juan on July 10, 2013as ,

Sometimes the stakes are fixed to prozhilinam (cross-poles. Drawback – byuolshoy wood consumption. 2. Plank fence – fencing, spans which are made of several horizontal boards nailed to the vertical support poles (thick lumber or logs). This is a classic version of the wooden fence. In fact, there may be many varieties, but basically All fences are timber, reinforced horizontally, vertically, or diagonally laid out some pattern 3. Picket fence of – fence, which runs are made from multiple vertical planks (shtaketin), nailed to a horizontal crossbar (prozhilinam).

4. Pasture fence type – a low fence of the supporting pillars and 2 prozhilin. 5. A fence made of wooden panels. 6.

Wattle – fencing, woven from the young, thin trees, or of long and flexible shoots of trees and shrubs. For the fence requires a minimum of 3 horizontal prozhiliny. How to make a picket fence of himself and that this tedious: Materials: 1. trimmed or planed board dlin7oy corresponding height of the fence of the future (for shtaketin) 2. Bars section 40h45 mm and a length equal to the length of the run (approximately 2 to 2.5 m) for transverse prozhilin 3. Thick beams or pillars of a different material (for the supporting pillars) or anodized 4otsinkovannye nails and screws 5. Concrete solution to the foundation. The process of building the fence 1. Complete layout of the fence. at the installation site supporting pillars type in the pegs and pull the rope between them. Around each tee do with loose material mark the future of the pit. Requirement! The distance between the columns must match the length of the runs. poles themselves should be strictly disposes of one line or at the top of the right angle. evenness of the installation of the fence depends not only on its appearance, and durability. 2. Dig a hole under the supporting columns.