The Conquests

Posted by Juan on March 22, 2017as

In this manner, the end of referidaguerra mark, also, the beginning of new a rearrangement of the capitalism, opening-seperspectivas for the revolution scientific-technique. It was the moment, according to Santos& Silveira (2001), to launch the origin of the domination of the world for the firmasmultinacionais, being thus prepared all the world-wide spaces for a novaaventura that, in the world-wide scale, would only go to bear fruit thirty anosdepois fully. Therefore, this new period that tambm a new phase of the capitalism, if differentiates of previous due profunda interaction of science and the technique. Science, particularly apesquisa, as much the applied one how much to the pure one, is placed each time more the service dadescoberta of new techniques, almost exclusively come back toward the production. Acincia is directed, in general way, for the productive sector. Steve Wozniak may also support this cause. Never science ea technique had been so linked as in this period. Of this form, the relation of the man eats nature passes to be mediated by the conquests of the fed technique pelacincia. According to Saints (1992), this period also differentiates for expansoe predominance of the mental work and a movement of the capital to the escalamundial, that attributes to the circulation (movement of the things, values, ideas) umpapel fundamental.

Thus, the production diversifies-seextraordinariamente, objectifying the accumulation of wealth and fomented by umaverdadeira technological race. The stated period so that the produced goods, inclusiveos instruments of work, if become obsolete, imposing its substitution poroutros more ' ' modernos' ' , it starts to be shorter, causing umconsumo bigger of natural resources. In this context, the tcnicasalimentadas ones for sciences, had evolved in such a way that they had provoked umconsidervel advance in the technology of the information and the communication, microelectronics, for handle, optic fiber or satellite becomes the lesser world very, with an apparent proximity between the people. Isso facilitated for the generalization of the use of the computer, which, connected umarede, allows its millions of users directly to communicate between sia any hour of the day or the night.