At least with firmware 4.0.1, the quality of reception does not drop so easily. Apple has a program of free shipping for Bumpers (covers) to users who request it. The Bumper completely covers the antenna on the side and avoids touching the active part of the antennas, especially in the area where the 3 G and Wifi antennas meet. Another way to attack the problem of the antenna, which in practice we have not been able to reproduce in a systematic manner during the tests, is using the fantastic headset that came with the device. In fact, iPhone invites to use it both as a media player, such as Smartphone as a phone. And respond or make a call using the hands libes is an extremely comfortable experience, comparing with the fact of being holding the terminal with one hand stuck to the ear. The sound quality is also high. Another difficulty that makes the iPhone at a disadvantage to other mobile solutions rente is the lack of integration between the applications installed and the resources of the terminal.
An example is Facebook: after installing the application, if a photo is made from the camera of the terminal, a direct option does not appear to share that image on social networks like Facebook. If the shipping option to Mobilime, or mail, but not to other networks that they had integrated through applications of third parties available on the App Store. RIM, without going any further, is far ahead in this section, with an exceptional integration of applications with the operating system and terminal hardware resources. In another order of things, it is also curious that Aplle removed not an iPhone 4 model with 64 GB instead of 32 GB or 16 GB, which are the capabilities available at the time of the launch. And the model in white will still have to wait.
And no, requesting that a model that iPhone with physical keyboard has Qwerty in the future. The possibility of connecting Bluetooth wireless keyboards compensates for this deficiency in a certain way, but a physical keyboard has no rival when typing texts and emails long. What you can expect from IPhone 4 Tal and as it is, iPhone 4 with iOS4, is a product mainly round. It is a SmartPhone where the telephony side is only one of its many facets. As a media player is exceptional, with a quality for audio, video and images hardly matched by other competing products. It is also a winning product, with an almost incredible processing power as a minicomputer. Edit video from the terminal is only an example. It is expected to improve interoperability between third party applications and the terminal, to the height of other solutions as the RIM (Blackberry). And also that Mobilime will continue to evolve in their integration with the iPhone terminals from the point of view of the cloud. Above all, that there is some free mode offered in all terminals, even then if modalities Premium. It is logical that improvements in subsequent updates of the operating system enter, and already is spoken even releases of new handsets for next year, both a new iPhone as a smaller iPad. Since then, the trend is the make of Smartphones devices connected and installed in one way or another in the cloud. Apple is investing. An own search (spotlight?), the advertisement iAds, or Mobilime-related online services platform are possibly tangible projects. Since then, iPhone 4 is an excellent hardware to implement any technology deployment for mobility.