Red Baron
That many have claimed that is pure legend, but the rumor was one of the myths of the "group of friends" and apparently became the reason he did several local flower drastically building on the momentum heading at the time had this place. This appeared more than thirty local, with a clear competition to become the best, what led many to use other "value added" that it was not only to serve coffee with a pleasant company, which ended up winning item also discredit the suspicion of the authorities eventually shut down many of those who engaged in illegal practices. Today the business has moved beyond the controversy and rejection of various sectors and has managed to clean up his image leaving only those who played clean and turned to pursue business as such. The increasingly strong competition Today, although the Red Baron remains in the collective memory as the most recurrent name when speaking of the cafes with legs, many places have appeared and have remained on the market. Welcome to one of the 168 cafes with legs that exist in the center of Santiago de Chile. If we take account that each coffee is served on average for three girls in turn, and the day has two shifts gives us a total of almost 1,000 women working in cafes serving Santiago leg. Nine years ago when all this started no one have imagined that a business like this could generate only in Santiago over half a million dollars a month, employing nearly 2,000 people. .