Outlook Email
It forgets the Outlook or another gerenciador email for action marketing for email. Already tools that can manage the small sending of great amounts of email MKT, with absolute control exist in the market modern on its results. You can consult at any time, what she happened with each email, by means of advanced reports. It is possible, for example, to know which e-mails invalid, which had returned, who received, day and hour that was visualized, that links had been picadors, if was requested the demonstrativeness, etc. You still receives all these data in a complete report, where it will be possible to identify the profile of its public (customers, suppliers, prospects, etc.), its interests and habits, being able to plan its next action to marketing for email with more effectiveness. Beyond links pointing with respect to its site, it is sufficiently viable to insert fields in its site where visiting interested products or services can be registered in castrate for receptor of new features on, idealization increasing its net of subscribers.
The development of a good campaign of email marketing must pass for decisive stages as planning, prospection of e-mails of potential customers, evaluation of carried through actions, and the care with the rules of anti-span, therefore is very important will lead in consideration if our actions will not be invasive and inconvenient for our white public. In action of email marketing, the ideal is that we start to work with our net of relationship being used e-mails of not unknown people, will firm a relationship each more solid time, either with customers or partners, the email marketing must be used with prudence to get resulted significant. It knows on action of marketing for email.