
Posted by Juan on January 23, 2013as

Page: 49-50. Paragraph: 4. Ribeiro it searchs to strengthen its opinion in Lovisolo, for who ' ' History became a science that it searchs to find or to rescue the nationality or history of one determined povo' '. Page: 50. Paragraph: 1. The historians had started to study the reconstruction of the national past thus constructing, to the collective memory. Ribeiro cites Pollak, when it says that ' ' The reference to the past serves to keep the harmony of the groups and the institutions that compose one sociedade' '. Page: 50-51.

Paragraph: 2. The world occidental person attended a widening of the collective memory in the end of century XVIII and the preservation of the national memory and its constant revival mark of the governments became. Page: 51. Paragraph: 1. The preservation of the national memory restricted the national conscience. Ribeiro, from there, makes reference the Le Golff ' ' The esquecimentos and silence of History are revealing of these mechanisms of manipulation of the memory coletiva' '.

Page: 51. Paragraph: 2. For Ribeiro, century XIX invented erudio methods, allowing the scientific development of history, based on critical the documentary one. Page: 52. Paragraph: 1. The classic point of view of history if bases on the tradition, valuing the individual and collective experiences, having a critical character to establish lies from removed examples of the past, being possessed an ethical and moral value. Page: 52. Paragraph: 2. For the iluministas the errors of the past were decurrent of a disarticulated and inefficacious reason. Page: 52-53. Paragraph: 3. The iluministas standards if based on the Newtonian conclusions concerning the scientific knowledge of the nature. Ribeiro is used of a text of Wehling to affirm that the central problem of the iluminismo was not to know to conciliate the phenomena that if followed and if they became quickly dominant. Page: 53.