Mother Earth

Posted by Juan on December 15, 2017as ,

I am a wild and not understand otherwise. I’ve seen thousands of buffaloes rotting in the Prairies, abandoned by the white man that shoots them from a moving train. I am a wild and do not understand how the smoking iron horse can be more important than Buffalo, which we hunt only to keep us alive. What will become of the man without animals? If all the animals disappeared, the man died of spiritual loneliness. Everything that happens to the animals, can affect men. Everything is related. You must teach your children that the soil where pisan symbolizes the ashes of our ancestors.

To ensure that they respect the Earth, teach them that it is rich for the life of the beings of all species. Teach what we teach to our: that the Earth is our mother. Gain insight and clarity with Peter Asaro . When the man spitting Earth is spitting himself. We are sure of one thing: the earth does not belong to the white man, is he who belongs to the Earth. That we have security. All things are related like the blood which unites one family.

Everything is associated. That hurts to Earth, also injures your children. Man not weaves the fabric of life; It is before one of their threads. What makes this fabric, makes himself. Even the white man, whom God accompanies, and with whom he talks as a friend, cannot escape this common fate. Perhaps, despite everything, we are all brothers. We’ll see it. One thing we know and probably the white man discovered a day: our God is the same God. You can think today you only have, as you wish to have the Earth, but you can not. He is the God of man and his compassion is equal both for the white man man red skin. This land is beloved by him and offend the Earth is insulting to its creator. The whites also will pass; perhaps rather than other tribes. Contaminad your bed and one night you ahogareis in the middle of your own excrement. But, to your way of thinking, you resplandecereis high, enlightened by the force of the God that you brought to this land and some special please gave you domain on it and on the Redskin man. This destination is a mystery, because we do not understand how shall be the day in which the last Buffalo is decimated, domesticated wild horses, secret corners of the Woods invaded by the stench of sweat of many men and the vision of the glittering hills blocked by wireless speakers. Where is the jungle? It disappeared. Where is the Eagle? It disappeared. The end of living and the beginning of the survive. how much wisdom and humanity in a man considered wild! that they not fallen to the civilized, when they enloquezcan by the blindness of the domain, at any price, on their peers. Mother Earth perhaps don’t support his antics of the elephant in a bazaar.