Mobile Sign Signotec
Mobile signature solutions for iPad, Android tablets and a signature feature for the iPhone are the latest developments of signotec GmbH. “Who legally and handwritten wants to sign PDF documents directly on his Tablet, requires only a special pen, as well as the corresponding app: signoSign/mobile” the signotec GmbH has developed a signature software for use on mobile devices. Via iPad or Android tablets have to sign PDF documents directly on the screen of the mobile device. Thus, a media-together workflow is ensured. The solution by signotec shows the PDF document generated from an application on the mobile device. PDFs without signature fields to sign can be complemented with the app manually afterwards with those.
The user signed the PDF with his pen and inserts his signature so digital and secure evidence in the document. signotec offers its app for both iPhone/iPad and Android tablets. The Apple version is for use Online connection to the signature Server signotec necessary. The software also in more apps in the iPhone/iPad can be integrated via Apple-specific mechanisms. Hosting offers optimum protection in relation to the availability, confidentiality, integrity and authenticity of the data. The host system has been certified by the TuV Sud with the coveted seal of ISO 27001; in August 2012, also the Apple app received security certificate of TuV Saarland.
The signature Server supports all PDF security settings com. Adobe language specification 5, verse. 1.6 Which are PDF documents digitally signed and the signature biometrics stored in encrypted form in the document. The server itself can be standardized mechanisms any scale, so many thousand signatures can be created per hour. The sign on the iPhone has developed a Plug-In signotec for his signature software signoSign/2. The iPhone is wirelessly connected to the notebook. The signature field will appear in the display, one sign on the iPhone and that Signature is securely inserted in the PDF document displayed in signoSign/2. System requirement is Windows 7 with.NET Framework 4.0 signoSign/mobile for iPad is available in the iTunes store, the application runs on iPad 2 or 3, as the operating system version 5.0 is supported iOS. Analog to the iPad works the handwritten signature on Android devices. Signotec app signoSign/mobile for Android PDF documents from other applications can be opened, completed and signed on the device, evidence safely, legally and handwritten. The signature in accordance with ISO standard. Unlike the iPad version requires no Internet connection signoSign/mobile for Android to a server and work offline. At the CeBIT, the signotec GmbH shows many new features to its Android version. Signing on iPad & co is suitable especially for business operations, in which the authenticity of the signature itself plays a minor role. The difference in the often reduced to an original pen pad Capture quality of the signature, since the most tablets not for capturing signatures were conceived and not pixel-accurate work. Exceptions confirm the rule signotec offers advice for this purpose.