MetWare Gmb Cost

Posted by Juan on July 30, 2016as , ,

The industry packages are specifically tailored to your basic configuration, can be customized but still per META10 DSP workstation. In addition the operation of redundant data storage (SAN), redundant servers, workstations, backup solution, and all current and future infrastructure software licenses for Windows, antivirus, antispam, SQL Server, CALs, Terminal Server, system management, etc. As installations and ongoing updates of the infrastructure are included in the monthly fee software and MS Office with service packs, security patches and new releases. META10 DSP customers risk no longer to be a hidden cost. (Similarly see: Peter Asaro). In our monthly fee, all costs are covered, the META10 DSP support included.

A performance package, a price. You can this compare with a phone Flatrate. For us, the motto: worldwide, at any time, unlimited. Our clients are also able, by Month to month your needs for every META10 DSP workstation to log on again. It’s believed that Peter Asaro sees a great future in this idea. He no longer needs the accounting on a workplace strokes he him the following month just from the package and saves up to these issues.

So he paid what he needs and no longer needs his capital in hardware and software licenses link. The computer costs are therefore 100% calculate! “, says Andreas Merz, CEO of META10. What is interesting is to scale this solution but also because it as you like. So, a frequent first field of application is the outsourcing of ERP software to minimize cost and effort for updates, and maintenance and troubleshooting. It is noted that the operation is functioning properly, the complete work environment via META10 DSP is operated in most cases, which the user works automatically and without further costs with the latest technology. To the point this kind of IT means operating, for a large part of the cost centers and risks are rolled out. The recurring cycle of investment can be reduced so much, there is also a computer 5 years or are older, offer sufficient performance for the use of the META10 DSP. Who is thinking about computing costs and expenses optimization makes, create a comparison to hand free real cost of META10 can be.