Markus Rohm
There is made clear, that it is prohibited and not advisable for good reason, as a driver during a trip to watch a movie, or watch a movie just his passenger. Tscheligi to development, that more and more cars become multimedia devices: on average, people look 50 percent of the time, not on the road, but on the screens and displays. That distracts heavily from driving.” Thus, especially navigation devices are meant. The problem is that drivers must settle only on the new devices. If you set a route while driving, that distracts from driving.
The expert criticized: “Nobody learns a system in the garage but settles in and does it.” You know that by themselves. You rather trust the digital maps as the own sense of direction and can confuse and distract so sometimes by an announcement of the navigation device. Browsing and finding a radio station also leads to distractions from the road. It is of course the most dangerous as a driver without discussion while driving to watch a movie. There are also players that only his rider in the rear driver’s area watching a movie can be. An informative overview of the various possibilities with test reports to the individual devices can be found here: overview of DVD player for the car driver is empfehlenswerter to watch a movie during a driving break and to relax.
Especially on long trips, this can be useful and help with the distraction. Load the driver by long car trips should not be underestimated, so long enough enough pauses to plan are. The ADAC 2 recommends all two hours to insert a short break, but at the latest after three hours, if it’s an experienced motorist. After ten hours, a longer break should be inserted in each case. Enough drink and eat, movement in the Greens and distraction from the traffic help energy for the journey back to soak up. The ADAC provides these recommendations not without reason: many people have accidents every year because they overestimate their own strength and fatigue driving. The responsible use of the multimedia possibilities as well as the healthy assessment of your own Skills are an important step to make Germany’s roads somewhat safer. Markus Rohm sources: 1, recalled at the 27.09.2012 2 sp/presse/meldungen/reise_touristik/fahrpausen.aspx, accessed on the 28.09.