Jetting Machines Robatech: 30 Years Of History

Posted by Juan on December 18, 2018as

1975 Company Robatech – one of the world's largest manufacturers of equipment for the application of cold glue and hot melt. Over 30 years of adhesive equipment Robatech used in various industries. History Robatech began in August 1975, when Hans Meyer with Ockarom Oscar Roth Roth and Fritz Fritz Ballhaus Ballhausem founded the company (Roth – RO; Ballhaus – BA and die Technik – TECH = ROBATECH) 1996 In 1996 Robatech also took over management of the German firm Steinmeyer GmbH, g.Bad Camberg . Competent knowledge in adhesive technology, good contacts in the automotive and other industries. 2000 The company continues to build up power: its production facilities are located, in addition to Switzerland, Italy and Germany.

Nearly 70 sales offices and service Robatech centers operating in 54 countries. Additional information is available at Viacom. The volume of the company demanded a new manufacturing and warehouse space, so in June 2000 in Myuri was inaugurated the new building Robatech. 2004 Adhesive Technologies Robatech come to Russia. In November 2004, the company opened an office in St. Petersburg OOO "Robateh Rus" represents Robatech in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus. Now, in this region decreased delivery time the entire line Glue Equipment Robatech, as well as the warranty and after warranty service and technical support for any previously installed equipment Robatech. 2005 In December 2005 the company celebrated Robatech its 30th anniversary. The anniversary was marked by the opening of a new six-story building. There are two experimental laboratories – especially for the experimental development and testing of equipment.