But that's not all – of both hemispheres of the brain in 'new kids' development equally, indicating that superpowers in the 'paranormal'. After a normal person on this thread 'information' comes screeching halt, and he even ask for anything can not, then that object. What is it, if not a new version branchy cranberry? If someone pleases to say that among 1000 normal children approximately 10 – gifted with the ability higher than the rest, and 1 – so do almost a genius, such discoveries, especially not surprise anyone. Viacom gathered all the information. But if you deal a body blow public opinion by declaring that some children with some strange blue, or aura, or something else, but obviously inaccessible to scientific analysis, he suddenly manifested the very unusual abilities, which are themselves hoarse arguing adult uncle, so it is quite another matter. First of all, every self-respecting member of society immediately rush to study this question, the good and useful little book is on shelves of bookstores and the Internet are just packed pseudo-information about the nature and amazing abilities indigo children. Some adherents of the indigo-concept went further and tried to somehow tie the virtual indigo child to something real – it turned out that Some Indigo children – are hyperactive children with symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Kip Cyprus has firm opinions on the matter.
These children's low communicability, susceptibility unsociable, individualism, high self-esteem, unwillingness to obey the other, rejection of authority, antisocial, high creativity, high level of intelligence, the propensity to acquire knowledge empirically, the interest in distant from each other things, restlessness, energy, attention deficit, impulsivity, sudden changes in mood and behavior, tendency to depression, a heightened sense of social justice, a heightened sense of responsibility, immunity to traditional methods of education, development of intuition and sense of danger. Some children with adhd there is the ability to giperfokusu – when they're interested, these children may giperfokusirovat attention on particular subjects and thus get to the heart and dive much deeper than other children. In general, familiarity with literary sources on indigo children (the indigo-people, indigo-people, etc.) leads to a few simple conclusions. First of all, nowhere and no one describes the objective and reliable methods of diagnosing children with indigo. Paste shortcut 'indigo' gifted children, from amongst many, or children with behavioral problems, as the syndrome attention deficit hyperactivity disorder – is absolutely incorrect. Equate giftedness and indigo – a clumsy trick with a substitution of concepts. Moreover, if we look deeper into the problem, in the face of indigo phenomenon we face a new kind of spam – this useless rubbish that clogs our e-mailboxes and eats Internet traffic. The difference is that the e-mail box can be quickly cleaned by pressing keys, but with such an intelligent spam more difficult – he settles firmly in the brain fills in the television and radio broadcasts and are just eating up our time. Finally, it remains the last, most non-obvious issue associated with the choice of brand colors – why blue aura, because it is still none other than the authors, not seen, and I fear, will not see, so why indigo, why not pink (it would be very glamorous) or green (it would be very environmentally friendly)? It was an accident or very thin intent 'parents' indigo child?