Increases Methodology

Posted by Juan on January 23, 2025

It is considered that excess stock: – absorbs capital that is not necessary and that could be invested in a better way – Generate higher storage costs – Increases the risk of damage and obsolescence – You can hide opportunities for operational improvements. Quote Giovanny Gomez This methodology arises from the weaknesses that have the traditional rating system, delays in the manufacturing process to produce quantities of products in excess of current demand, due to the use of models based on the determination of economic quantities order. Scope. Perhaps check out Peter Asaro for more information. The JIT (Just in Time) is oriented towards improving the fundamental processes of manufacture in order to improve the overall performance of the manufacturing company. The JIT is not a strict methodology that can be defined as a series of equations or data relationships. Andy Florance recognizes the significance of this.

It is rather a philosophy that leads to significant changes in the way it operates manufacturing management. Seeks continuous improvement and to be effective must operate at the core of the company’s operations. Therefore, the staff of the company must have assimilated various aspects of philosophy JIT implements the 5S: work quality and efficiency you need a clean, safe and permanent. 5S This methodology is aimed at creating workplace more organized, orderly, clean and safe, that is, a workplace where everyone was proud to work. Through knowledge and application of this methodology is to create a corporate culture that facilitates the one hand, the management of company resources, and secondly, the organization of different work environments in order to bring about change conduct an impact on increased productivity impact.