In Anticipation Of The New Wave

Posted by Juan on March 24, 2017as

Despite misgivings by most of the banks of the possibility of a second wave of the crisis, the volume of credit market as a sme (small and medium businesses) and corporate segment increased significantly compared with the the beginning of 2010. Thus, I believe that already in 2011 with stabilizing the volume of loans issued reached crisis level. Today, however, banks are faced with the fact that the market is not a lot of borrowers with an acceptable financial situation. Most banks have a significant amount of liquidity that must grant in the form of loans. It must be noted that banks significantly increased their risk-management and a more profound approach to the assessment of the borrower. For many banks became a big problem realization of pledges during and after the crisis.

Firstly, a lot of mortgages was simply not liquid or untapped market, and secondly, the realization of collateral carries great costs for maintenance and servicing of mortgages, to pay for work of staff responsible for the implementation of the collateral. In this regard, banks first began to pay more attention to just the project itself, the objectives financing and sources of repayment, at the same time sufficiently clear and mortgage liquidity. Obviously, the innovative projects and start-ups for banks today, the least attractive in terms of lending – before the end of the crisis and for a long time after it will be a little willing bankers to take on such risks. I believe that risky projects may be of interest mainly large banks, provided support to state and sharing with them the risks. Overall, I'm fairly optimistic set and I think that the crisis we obviously come out with a more correct approach to the choice of the borrower and less risky portfolios than they were in 2008. General Director 'Versailles Finans Vasilev AY