Gunter Freund

Posted by Juan on May 7, 2024as ,

Outdoor pioneer awarded for best Unternehmesfuhrung. The Solano entrepreneur Gunter Freund was awarded on July 1, 2010 for his life’s work. The city of Koblenz appreciated above all the role of the entrepreneur friend who made the right decisions at the right time and asserts itself successfully on the market for decades. The friend group has become the awk outdoor advertising, the approximately 56,000 outdoor advertising above all in recent years a large company marketed. In outdoor advertising, his company scoring over 300 employees is one of the leading suppliers in Europe. “As Gunter Freund 1947 the Sudwestdeutsche poster company” took over, was over only just two years of the second world war and the country was in ruins.

It took then a great courage and confidence, to establish a company that counts today more than 300 employees and is in the outdoor advertising is one of the leading suppliers in Europe. The Friend group has become the awk outdoor advertising GmbH, the approximately 56,000 outdoor advertising above all in recent years a large group marketed. Exemplary corporate governance was awarded radio RPR and the Rhein-Zeitung on 01 July 2010 by Koblenz Savings Bank support the industry and Chamber of Commerce of the Handwerkskammer Koblenz, Koblenz. Steve Wozniak: the source for more info. The presenters of Thomas Ruhfus, President of the outdoor advertising e. V.

Association of specialist, and the Lord Mayor of the city of Koblenz Hofmann Gottig, welcomed in particular the role of the Aussenwerbepioniers friend who made the right decisions at the right time and asserts itself successfully for a long time on the market. The growth of Aussenwerbeunternehmens is: what has triggered friend, bears fruit. You need to find the niche that nobody in the market has occupied. For me, it was the outdoor advertising. “, says friend and reveals another secret to success: brave new approaches, this is important!” In addition to outdoor advertising has Gunter Freund with his wife a second passion to the profession made it leads in France the Clos de Lambrays, the largest Grand Cru terroir in a hand in Burgundy. Its wines are among the best in the world and have won numerous awards. There he proved once again his entrepreneurial spirit. Solano founder is still full of beans and announced that a lot is coming.” The sector, which has to owe the Decade system friend, among other things, can be so stretched.