Guimares Games

Posted by Juan on November 26, 2019as

The career of soccer trainer is not easy and the place never estseguro. When the results are not the waited ones, happen the psychological clssicachicotada one. Exactly thus he seems exaggerated me to have sidodespedido of the Sporting the half one of the time, when he occupied as the place, only the 3 points of Guimares that led the table. Something that Fifaainda did not learn to make is to simulate a league with credveis results. After 14 games, the Benfica was in 7, to a great distance daluta for the heading. a> by clicking through. No matter how much to this it pleases me idea, I have to quereconhecer that this year is not conceivable. When the great ones are logoafastados of the fight for the heading, the game lose some direction.

The forced exit of my club of the heart took to catch me it in one pequenoclube Irish, that it fought not to go down of division. Into the relvadosirlandeses, under intense rain, the game is changedded and has to quesubstituir the force of the technique for the technique of the force. The peripcias domodo trainer take them to explore it leagues and clubs that of another modonos would be unknown. The way until the o arduous world-wide recognition longo and! The level of graphs this Fifa does not bring nothing of new. The principalpreocupao was to improve the fluidity of the engine of game in all assituaes and it did not have place the great visual improvements. The way Enclosure for bullfighting, where we could to control a player and to make closings to the beacon enquantoo game loaded, was improved. Now it has a series of options and arena a complete field of treinos. We can until creating plays estudadaspara to apply during the games.

The element that more disillusioned in them had been the commentaries. HelderContudo and David Oak come back to give the voices to the game, but it seems queno if they had remembered new saying you are welcome. It is natural that oscomentrios if they become repetitive the end of some time, but in this casoisso happens since the first minute, because many soexactamente equal phrases what we can hear in Fifa 09. More serious than this they are the disparidades between the commentaries and quese is to pass in field. Cantos comfrequncia passes the lateral launchings, championship games gains prolongation in case of empatee truily a fast delay in the story cause situations caricatas. Who likes to make noitadas with the friends to the return of the PlayStationvai to like to know that the way party records the punctuations of 20jogadores in a league created for the effect. Thus it can be that they finish asdiscusses on who are optimum player of Fifa. As we alternativatemos a series in 10 ways online that they guarantee that nobody has that jogarFifa alone. The Live Season comes back to bring up to date the game with data of the campeonatosreais, every week. Injuries, transferences, punishments, etc& all actualizado in accordance with what it goes happening for the world is. Unhappyly the Portuguese league continues not to be contemplated estafuno. Fifa 10 not yet is the perfect game that could be to the end of vriasiteraes, but is certainly optimum simulator of soccer that already I had to oprazer to play.