Employers Underestimate Security Risks By Home Office

Posted by Juan on April 7, 2017as ,

Iron Mountain study: 60 percent of German employees send and receive business emails on your private account Hamburg 27 August 2013. 1 Of the service provider for information management and data protection, Iron Mountain study, that are the details of German companies by the behavior of employees exposed to a significant risk at their home office workstations. Thus, 60 percent of German employees use their private email account for business issues. Also, the support and the facilities of many employers is often insufficient to adequately protect business data. Many employers tolerate conduct of their staff at work in the Home Office, which expose their company information to a significant risk. So 60 percent of German employees indicated, to use their private email accounts to send and receive work documents. 35 Percent at home leave their work documents and 21 per cent dispose of your business documents in the household waste. Also operates one in ten (10 Percent) by a public Cafe.

7 Percent used an insecure W connection of LAN, working documents by E-Mail to send and receive. These behaviors are often sensitive business information for cyber attacks or other loss of data make them vulnerable. The study surveyed workers in Germany, UK, France, Spain and the Netherlands missing requirements and lack of IT resources. She found that one-third (33 percent) of German workers at least two times works a week from home. But only 25 percent of the German company its employees pretend what paper files and electronic data it with home and which may not take them. In 73 percent of German companies lack appropriate policies governing the working from their home office.

After all, Germany cuts off even better than the average of the surveyed countries (83 percent) thus. For many companies, the alignment of the IT infrastructure is the main problem. 54 Percent, the employer fails safe working in the Home Office at missing information technology equipment (PCs, laptops or Smartphones) and 67 percent provide no secure access to the intranet or a virtual desktop.