
Posted by Juan on April 24, 2018as ,

The reduced manpower compensates a small advertising agency in ideally through a carefully structured, international network of contacts. Who has beforehand set on these developments and online is discoverable by its target audience on the first Google-click, can now benefit from targeted customer inquiries. The net position take the positioning of a brand or a company includes In the digital age therefore always also the positioning on the Internet. Who wants to be successful today, must maintain its market position online and must mix with accordingly at the top in the search engine rankings, to be found by potential customers on first glance. “” The customer about Google is looking for advertising agency “and technology”, as he encounters his optimal partner. Specialisation and search engine optimization are two paths to the same goal. Authors-information: Volker Walker k., born in 1969, studied communications in Hamburg and then took the classic route by agencies as a customer consultant. If you would like to know more then you should visit Donald W Slager. in 1995, the self-employment with the advertising agency was the three!.

Today, he is also responsible for the customer service as Managing Director of the advertising agency and has always a direct link to the customers thus for 15 years. As a marketing consultant of KfW he knows exactly with the wishes of the advertisers. He advises companies such as DuPont, Marantz Europe, BASF, Guinness and the Lower Saxony ministries. Agency information: at the advertising agency the three!, the recently its 15th anniversary celebrated, take care in addition to Managing Director Volker wide k. twelve full-time staff and a well-organized pool of specialists and freelancers to the customers.

Its strength is that the three! Team especially in the marketing of explanation-needy products. We make it easy complicated!”is the credo after at the three! worked and recruited. Customers from the technical area with explanatory products in particular appreciate this. More information at or at the three!