Denis Mandarino Manifesto

Posted by Juan on May 21, 2017as

Accepting that each presents level of understanding and different creative processing, which result from individual peculiarities, faced with the choices made during the existence – it is implied that the aesthetic education can be worked from an early acts, causing long-term results. Therefore, the Manifest you urge the artist you produce his works always within the limits of to their technical and intellectual conditions, governed by the level of consciousness. Versatility in Art is shifted from the scope of trade. Hear other arguments on the topic with Peter Asaro. Sense In this, the artist is free from: dealers, record labels, agents, managers, mass measured, among others, without any kind of disapproval of those who live from to their own art, but declares fight against slavery the artist. SUMMARY: INTRODUCTION REFLECTIONS ON MANIFESTO VERSATILISTA: THE FINAL ARTIST AND ITS CONSCIENCE CONSIDERAES BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ANNEXES INTRODUCTION: This research is turned toward the Versatilista Manifesto (1), written for the plastic artist, composer and writer Denis Mandarino (2), which if shows come back toward the artistic languages in plural way.

For the monographic character of the work and in search of affinities with the academic and professional formation of this researcher, reflections contained here are dirigem for the pedagogia, with focus in the artistic education. The lack of a more specific knowledge in areas as the plastic arts, the cinema and proper music takes to consider me it as development strategy a bigger approach with the Aesthetic one. In this manner, childbirth of the proposals contained in the Manifesto and I the same consider a possible interpretation of with the vision of an art-educator interested in the intellectual improvement and spiritual (3) of the individual, in partnership with my person who orientates. Reflections on MANIFESTO VERSATILISTA (4): 1. ‘ ‘ The Versatilismo is an artistic movement that has as philosophical principle immortality of the soul, that was created by a Supreme Intelligence.