Concert Photography Done Right!
With the death of the record industry and the increasingly frequent copying of music through various file-sharing among friends or just something that has got experience of music at live events a greater impact than ever before. The resulting, inter alia, that there are many amateur photographers to make cherished employment, himself once photographically active during such an event and to be in one of the many online music magazines, such as independent rockzine, contribute with their photos. But how do you shoot right Do you need expensive equipment with low noise CMOS camera and lenses lichstarken to make good photos This would surely help a lot, but it is not essential importance. With simple means such as a beginner DSLR from Canon, the EOS 400D (and its predecessors) and a bright, such as the 1.8er 50mm fixed focal length (which can be purchased already legendary for 80 and perfectly good image quality in terms of sharpness, chromatic aberration and vignetting has ) you can have good to very goodConcert photos to create. This article is not great, however, revolve around the material, but simply give the interested photographers a few tips on hand, as one gets wiedriegen light conditions under the best of his image. I will go out but just my personal preference, of course, since each developed his own style and there are many approaches to automatic system on time or shutter priority to a complete manual operation of the camera. My personal preference is the aperture priority mode, as this allows me to respond to rapidly changing conditions during a concert. For myself, it was already a great effort from the manual mode, where you got dark but often sharp images that could be saved with Photoshop, switch to the somewhat uncertain time automatic mode, which gives the worst case totally blurred images. But in actual, as already mentioned, an automatic system is essential in such conditions. Many writers such as Pete Cashmore offer more in-depth analysis. Because it concerns a lot ofSettings of the current events of last for the “hand”. Therefore, it lends itself well to shoot in RAW, because you have to do so schonmal have stopped worrying about white balance, sharpness, saturation, and similar fine-tuning. This then provides a convenient programs such as Photoshop Lightroom to be regulated, where you can then carry out even more than a convenient way, some minor exposure adjustments. It is important in the approach to the automatic time that one of the Messfeldmethode for the design of the light to “spot” is. Then just at concerts often only the protagonists of the band are well lit and the background in gray / black loses and offers for our lighting design as irrelevant. The light is measured for the entire image, the black parts of diluting the background of our design, resulting in long exposure times. By the time you have automatic must then actually only two sites to keep in mind. The ISO (my picture is bright enough) And the picture is (allon it Is this what I want to emphasize sharp). The ISO value should be chosen as low as possible to avoid noisy images. Often this is not possible, it is present ISO setting to 800 in good DSLRs not really a problem. With better cameras, and if not too many reds are included in the picture you can go higher, but I leave that to your experimentation. The section is one of the things that you just in photography for the web later may well change. It is important then, however, that you also have as much leeway. Where one should make it still always represent roughly what one imagines later. This will also play a role in focusing the camera. I have learned to use that one uses here the focus is always best to point you in the end effect will. Here, the camera left to the election is a waste of time. In Gesichtsfllenden portraits we focused at the middle spot on the eyes, with full body shots with the respective top spot on the face. This savesResuliert time and also in sharp images (as the most important parts halt just are sharp, and not what the camera is considered as important). Some good examples for the most demanding concert photography can be found on – Independent rockzine. Enjoy the photos and especially there at the next concert. I hope that I could help them with my tips.