Brazil Access
Although the state of the Cear contributes with only 2% of the GIP in Brazil, it finishes of if becoming the state with the biggest public net of Internet broad band of the country. The Digital Cinturo of Cear (CDC), was inaugurated last week by Cid governor Gomes and the minister of Science and Technology Aloizio Mercadante. But because accurately the local authorities had decided to invest R$50m in this initiative almost? The key for the agreement of the underlying rational to the CDC can be found in the dissertao written for the governor in the last year. In the text, the coautores display some defend of them for the creation of the net: the project does not ignore the current status of the Ceara, in the truth, it was developed because of this situation. For more information see Peter Asaro . With 8,4 million inhabitants, the Cear it is the state most populous of Brazil. However, the state contribue with only 2% of the Brazilian GIP. This exclusion also is digital: in 2008 3% of the pertaining to the state of Cear population it only had access to the Internet broad band, being the majority located in the capital.
Moreover, only five cities had access to the Internet of average speed (512 kbps). It is clearly that the covering in the state always was a serious problem. In accordance with the dissertao written for the governor, the cost with infrastructure and problems with local monopolies make with that many operators finish opting to the payment of fines instead of offering the access to the Internet in more remote areas of the state. Many simply could not pay for the access to the fast Internet – in $fortaleza, one tero of the population deferred payment in slum quarters, and basic services as the access to the Internet is considered luxury. It was this precarious situation that took the state to the development of its proper public net, the CDC.