What to Expect in Businesses
State action in the regulation of economic processes in the country can be assessed differently. Some of them, listing the main results of last year, talking about the crusade in the gaming business and has become a farce "Anti-alcohol campaign", while others tend to see a string of initiatives absurd system of regulation, the effect of which is difficult to feel instantly. Particular attention in the past year was devoted to improving corporate law, said Andrei Pushkin, ceo Tenzor Consulting Group. In accordance with the concept of corporate law for a period up to 2008 were adopted by the federal laws that make changes in the procedure of acquiring a big stake in the joint stock company. Established new requirements for the content of contracts of mergers and acquisitions, as well as decisions on the reorganization of society in the form division, separation or transformation. Changes in the laws on securities market valuation activities in the Russian Federation. Finally, we developed projects to strengthen the fight with corporate claws, and in this area are actively using the Western experience of corporate management. Indeed an important event for the Russian business was the adoption in 2006 of the Federal Law "On Protection of Competition." The main innovation: from 65% to 50% lowered the threshold market share of the economic entity, acting sign of "dominance": the new frontier is the practice of most eu countries. By enhancing the regulatory framework for activities in special economic zones, the authorities decided, and the problem of capacity investment inflows into the country.