The Important Of The State
Today each of us lives in very complex system, the cornerstone of which – is dictated by the state and the power to them. The State shall ensure our security, declares and guarantees the various rights and freedoms. It provides an opportunity education and work. And everyone wants to achieve success in life – a career, to live in a large and spacious house, ride a prestigious car, bear children and ensure their future. This is the raison d'etre modern man. But there is one thing. All of these plans can collapse overnight. Because we have no control over their lives – do it for us! And we do not know the plans of people who pulled the strings.
We do not know what we destined in the future. We are responding exactly the way we are programming. We are living someone else's mind, moving toward the goals for which we have indicated, and obey, obey without a murmur to those who govern. That they came to us a typical scenario life: education, work, entertainment, pornography, perverted sex, half a lifetime to save money on rent and on the "decent car, or even better" for loans to plant and consume, consume, consume. And of course, bear children, educate them, but only to have someone to continue to provide the elite in the future.
We struggled to indulging their desires, degraded in order to deserve the right to live. Live for the sake of themselves and their families. But if you think about it, comprehend the situation critically, it becomes clear that all of what we spend our time and strength, turns into sand, which goes through their fingers. To know more about this subject visit Viacom.