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Posted by Juan on December 1, 2013 with Comments Closedas , , , ,

Home as one of the points most important in people’s lives requires that its outline and each and every one of its spaces offers the best conditions to make something very nice instance; Therefore it is common to certain special feature showing him give to home more welcoming, as it is the presence of chimneys in various houses, with what is achieved both an environment more elegant to have such an excellent sample of good taste, as well as through chimneys an environment can create much more pleasant through its structure with the presence of fire in a controlled manner, since it gives fitted to an atmosphere very cozy and conducive for certain special situations. As chimneys can be understood perfectly are samples of aesthetics and design of households, thanks to its characteristics and possibilities; without however Besides this chimneys are aimed at other buildings for other purposes, such as the evacuation of smoke from certain points in which is concentrated or hot gases that must be evacuated are generated to the building exteriors and there is where come fireplaces as a means to put the smoke in the atmosphere and out of a particular place. Placement of different fireplaces usually shown fully vertically this with the idea that the hot gases and smoke can be totally evacuated without any problems, however also exist another type of fireplaces that are put in a different way, i.e. they are not completely vertical, these types of fireplaces are employing in different activities such as mealsIt is therefore located in kitchens or in some quarters of boilers where seeks to evacuate smoke through different holes. Fireplaces that are not completely vertical type present certain special characteristics, therefore have meshes to avoid various animals nesting in its interior, the inclination of these must be different from or? to facilitate the Hunnic and hot gases output function. As you can see the chimneys with features that offer may occur in many places not only in parts where carried out certain activities that present emissions, households or hot gas also you can see chimneys in some mobile structures such as locomotives or trains as well as various ships. Therefore to speak of chimneys disclaims the term to the harmonious constructions typical of a home, since it opens fitted to industrial activities and transport; In addition it is also common to speak of the fireplaces when there are certain natural formations that meet the same functions to possess a similar form of conformation of soil or rock by which issued are gases or smoke as the geysers or volcanoes, which through a duct issued magma or vapor to the outside of the surface.

Greek Mirrors

Posted by Juan on November 3, 2013 with Comments Closedas , ,

Elements that are useful for people development is a challenge that assume researchers and inventors daily, some utensils such as toilets where the fundamental and central theme of this article are mirrors. Mirrors are a piece made of Crystal rock or glass, reflecting light or image projected on them, is considered a toilet pan by its reflective virtues. Mirrors begin their development in Egypt since the year 2500 BC, where the invention of the first type of mirror made with bronze gave rise to the evolution of this. The use of mirrors also began to apply to civilizations such as the Roman, Greek and Etruscan; where the first mirrors created by these civilizations showed a new way to manufacture them. They began to use silver instead of bronze, in order to improve the definition of the image. The use of metals such as silver, copper and bronze mirrors were made for very limited periods of time, since environmental factors obscure metals. Mirrors begin their use in the vanities from the middle ages, more specifically in the 16th century, where the invention of mirrors glass and rock crystal, allowed that the use of these with ease to be applied to elements such as tables and apparatus, specially designed for placing mirrors. Mirrors for late 17TH century and early 18th century began to be manufactured in various sizes and shapes, in order to convert it from an element of vanity to a decorative element of halls and Royal residences.

For the 19th century use of mirrors were one of the largest sources of decoration used at the time. The adaptation of mirrors to other items such as automobiles, bicycles, trains and some more specific such as telescopes, began to be used since the 20th century. Today mirrors are a fundamental part in some research as the space, since a major component of the giant telescopes are developed on the basis of the primitive mirror lenses and mirrors. It is proper to note that some researchers such prestigious as Galileo Galilei and Leonardo Da Vinci, during the course of his life they used mirrors to develop some of its investigations. At present human evolution has led to mirrors to levels never believed, since the appearance of various types provide a wide range of them, which are classified into three main categories; they are: concave mirrors: are designed in a way semi spherical, in order to provide a greater visual range of the object or person reflected image. Convex mirrors: this are equally developed that concave mirrors, with the difference that the reflective part makes outer concave design, with the purpose to increase the directly reflected image. Plane mirrors: are designed as its name indicates it flat so that the reflection that this gives, is equal to the element to reflect. In conclusion the invention of mirrors was a great help for the development of some very important elements currently, so this is good to highlight the history, utility and development of this element as used in the daily life of all people.