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Media Center

Posted by Juan on June 7, 2013 with Comments Closedas , , , , , , ,

The PC All in One, also called PC all in one AIO, are desktop computers that combine the monitor and the CPU in the same housing, so they are compact, they occupy the same space as a screen and are easy to transport to a new location, even often incorporating carrying handles. Like laptops, the hardware of the PC All AIO is little updatable or customizable due to space limitations and that often employ non-standard components. Features the PC All in One basically consist of a screen with all components integrated in it, along with a mouse and a keyboard usually wireless. PC All in One are not a new concept, because there are numerous precedents for manufacturers such as Atari, Commodore and Apple, but it was not until recent months that All PC AIO, popularized by Apple with your iMac, have experienced the sales success that this segment has become target of all manufacturers. Several have been factors that have made the PC All in One an interesting option for the desktop, including the touchscreen displays, benefits similar to a desktop PC conventional (dual core processor, graphics card quality or large capacity hard disk), the little space they occupy and which can serve as multifunctional multimedia center. Pros and cons see the main advantages of the PC All in One: benefits similar to a conventional desktop PC. Touch screen or multi-touch which is used with a stylus pen or fingers.

They occupy very little space, such as an LCD screen, and given that the components of the PC All in One are integrated into the display does not need Tower. Easy to move, they often carry handle. Do not have wires, only the plug. All PC AIO can serve as multifunctional Media Center, which usually carry a remote control that allows manage remote all functions of the computer and they have the possibility to hang it on the wall using a VESA bracket as if were a TV. The aesthetics of the PC All AIO is usually very attractive by cleaning your design and absence cables. Among the drawbacks of the PC All in One can cite: hardware has few possibilities of customization, expansion or upgrade because they do not usually use components standard and by space limitations.

Repairs should make them service of the manufacturer, since the components are not usually standard. Although the benefits are similar to a desktop PC, the 3D graphics performance is usually less deal with integrated graphics cards. Like laptops, cooling and heat dissipation may pose problems for the small space. Source: PC All in One original author and source of the article