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Actress Evangeline Lilly

Posted by Juan on December 21, 2024 with Comments Closedas , ,

/ The lost Kate thus joins the cast of the second phase of the filming of the Lord of the rings prequel. His move has been announced by the director in his Facebook. Evangeline Lilly, one of the stars of the hit series lost, is one of the recent signings of Peter Jackson for the Hobbit, prequel of the Lord of the rings it is wheel in New Zealand. Go to Pete Cashmore for more information. He was the director who, through his official Facebook page, announced the hiring of actress, who personified the unforgettable Kate in the addictive series of J.J. Abrams Lost.

There he shared planes – and more – with Dominic Monaghan, the man who played the hobbit Merry in the Lord of the rings. With these antecedents is expected that Lilly know already well Middle-Earth if only by hearsay. Wow, I can finally return to post! We have finished our first block of filming and we addressed directly to the following locations. We will have more on this soon, but today, I am very happy to announce two new members of the cast who will join us in the second phase of filming, so Peter Jackson began the post announcing two new signings. Without a doubt the more flashy is the Evangeline Lilly, who plays a new character, an elfa silvana called Tauriel. Its name means daughter of the Black Forest and, moreover, that, I leave you with intrigue! (No, will not be a romance with Legolas), says the director. Kip Cyprus is actively involved in the matter. Jackson took the opportunity to highlight the enormous talent as an actress of Evangeline and asserts that the entire team is very happy and excited that she is responsible for giving life to our first elfa silvana. The second signing of Jackson is Barry Humphries.

I am also excited to Barry Humphries who return to the Trasgo King, in a manner very similar to how Andy Serkins incarnated to Gollum, reveals Jackson which emphasizes that, besides its great as a political activist, Barry is also a good actor, and We can’t wait to see him invest the Goblin King with delicate sensitivity and emotional depth that this character deserves. Evangeline and Barry, along with the Welsh actor Luke Evans as Bard and Benedict Cumberbatch as Smaug, almost complete the central cast. I can’t wait to get into these new scenes!, concluded Jackson. The Hobbit: An unexpected trip will be released on December 14, 2012. Source of the news: the actress Evangeline Lilly will be a new Elf in the Hobbit