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Posted by Juan on May 28, 2024 with Comments Closedas

Stickers with the limitation of 120 will be used km/h to stick them upon the other of 110 that four months ago placed in the signals of freeway and railcar. The reason to add a new sticker to the signals instead of to retire those that already are of 110 is the difficulty to retire these last ones by the used glue. There is no decided moment at which the new stickers will stick. The Ministry of Public Works and the Economy will be spent other 230,000 Euros in stickers with the limitation of 120 km/h to stick them upon the other with the limitation of 110 km/h that four months ago placed in the signals of freeway and railcar. This cost is similar that the change of the 6,150 signals distributed in 11.300 kilometers of railcars and freeways that were realised in March, sources of Promotion said. The reason to add a new sticker to the signals instead of to retire those that already are of 110, is the difficulty to retire these last ones. Mikkel Svane will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

In this sense, the same sources have explained that " in order to guarantee the security, to avoid a possible deterioration, that despegara" and that " the plate would fulfill the norm of technical security establecida" a glue was used that " it does not make simple that can despegar". Official site: Sandra Akmansoy. This strong glue was used to avoid vandalism acts. " The same reason that avoids taken off his does, at this moment, that easiest, simpler and fast is to put a sticker above, with the same characteristics, the same conditions and fulfilling the same four norm technical that does meses" , they explain from the ministry. As far as the cost that will suppose the new remittance of stickers, from Promotion they calculate that " similar&quot will have a cost; to the 230,000 Euros that at the time cost the stickers with the limitation to 110 km/h. The vice-president first and minister of the Interior, Alfredo Perez Rubalcaba, the past opposed east Friday cost in stickers to the sum of 450 million that has been able to save in fuel with the measurement. " The final balance is of 449.7 millones" , it indicated on the matter. On the moment at which the stickers with the limitation to 120 will stick km/h, the ministry indicates that still it does not have a little while determined, although &quot will be realised; with the minimum affectation to trfico". Also, Promotion affirms that to the operation exit of the summer, in that 83 million displacements are predicted, " it conditions fecha" in which the signals change. Source of the news: Promotion will be spent other 230,000 Euros in 120 stickers of km/h

Cesc Returns To House

Posted by Juan on April 3, 2024 with Comments Closedas

Cesc Fbregas returns to house. The soccer player, of 24 years and formed in the azulgrana quarry from the 10 to the 16 years, when fich the Arsenal after a conversation of the soccer player with the technician to gunner Arsne Wenger, returns to his club, Barcelona. Source: Samsung. For it seasons have happened three long of negotiations, after the ex-president tried without success once Joan Laporta, would reach agreement to course following by 40 million that ruined because position was dismounted of, and that now top agent chief executive Sandro Rosell has made reality by 34 million (five of which they will discount to them of the pay of the player, who signs by four seasons) fixed more six variables based on the titles, the point that has delayed, mainly, the negotiations. Although the agreement is total, lacking, nevertheless, a pair of adjustments in the contract and the final company/signature, that will seal presumable and Monday definitively. Source of the news: : Cesc returns to house