First page of the game and toy libraries archive

Third World Congress

Posted by Juan on March 27, 2020 with Comments Closedas

Finally, only, to note the establishment in 1992 of the Association of Ludotecarias and Ludotecarios of Catalonia (ATZARO). In the Third World Congress of Toy Library (1984) presented the proposal for the playful interaction with creative expression. This pedagogical approach became the Latin American contribution to the international movement Toy Library. Interestingly, while European teachers appreciated the new Latin American experiences, there were those who develop projects in Latin America took the form of European post-war Toy Library. Subsequently, the OMEP International Congress on its 50th anniversary, held in Copenhagen (1998), restates the same theme with similar urgency, as it continues to be the central concern of early childhood educators. Recently (2001) International Association of Game took as his motto the right of the child to the game, looking for answers to pressing social and educational concerns. This concern was because the evolution of our modern society leads an organization of daily living that has reduced the spontaneous play area so vital to the growth of children, society also creates difficulties in keeping up the family unit, so necessary to the regulation intergenerational understanding.

The Toy Library modernity acquires a special role because it makes the children have the opportunity to experience innovations, tested as a social being creative in a world where it seems that children are born having everything. The Toy Library from a primarily recreational function are evolving to an educational whole, to methods of integral education. This is a purpose that formal education but always yearned structure could not yet given its dependence on the cognitive assessment at the expense of psychomotor coordination, emotional harmony and social altruism. In recent years, the Toy Library, as well as the conceptualization of the game, is envisioned by the contrast with the work time, as opposed to how useful a recognized, but the various forms of Ludotecas have driven important developments and are now essential for generality of children and youth. They are the meeting place for a diversity of children in the magic of momentum fun, meet the real world with fantasy and thus perform a feat of creative adventure.

Society continues to advance inexorably, but the nature of the child is akin to the playful impulse. The socio-cultural realities have transformed the context and significant experiences in various projects have sharpened our sensitivity to guide us in the ways and purposes that underlie the Toy Library. In the midst of many trials was also offset concern about the child lacking social and / or those who are uninterested in school. Schooling remains a major problem for many children, especially since the education system still would not take the problem of persisting in a routine methodology teaching.