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Electricity Bill

Posted by Juan on August 12, 2013 with Comments Closedas , , , , , , , ,

With a summer that is expected as one of the hottest in the last decades and already temperatures higher than ever, is normal that we begin to use fans and air to refresh ourselves and to mitigate to the extent possible the heat. You must follow a series of guidelines to properly position our air-conditioning apparatus and thus achieve its best performance: air works best in a single direction which from one to another, so it should be as central as possible in the room. Cleaning the filter will affect positively or negatively the operation of the equipment. A clean air filter will cool faster and consume less energy. Apart from efficiency, which is what most interests the consumer, modern air appliances have multiple attributes, which make it possible to save us money on the electricity bill.

Another important factor in the use of our air conditioning which determines the final disbursement is more or less painful is how much or little that has abused the thermostat. Experts believe that the thermal comfort is obtained with 25 degrees, a temperature that involves some fairly tight light requirements. A. from there, every degree less means a 7 to 8 percent of spending more. More and more families considered air conditioning not as a mere expense, but as a significant investment to improve their quality of life. Nobody puts in doubt, but the pleasant air conditioning can also have negative effects on health if certain precautions are not taken and is used sparingly. You have a long summer ahead, there are a series of recommendations to be chilly at home is not a sacrifice for pockets.

The first thing is that computers are installed in places little exposed to the Sun and where there is enough current. Second, to account for it is unhealthy to have more than twelve degrees of difference between the interior and exterior of the homes. Third, adequately insulate the building allows there is no energy loss.